"Yeah let's go." And off they went back to their hotel room.


"I'm taking a shower," Brett announces already on the way to the bathroom. Eddy decided to just get changed into pajamas and set all their snacks on Brett's bed. As much as it would probably be nice to join Brett in the shower, the other one would probably freak out if he just sauntered in naked. Though, it's not that unusual, they've seen each other bare before.

Just, you know, nowhere steamy, like the water running inside the bathroom. Just the usual things you'd do when you've been best friends for half your life. They've gone on swimming trips before, and Eddy does remember Brett stripping down to his boxers in a vlog somewhere. This is what peak performance looks like. Yeah, belly rolls and all. He loves those rolls. They're soft and that coupled with Brett's pudgy cheeks just makes Eddy wanna squeeze him all the time like some distant aunt. He decides to hug Tchaikoala instead ( good one, Eddy ) to quell the desire.

Eddy looks down at the snacks, remembers the beer he put in their small fridge. He almost forgot that it was just last night when he took Brett home, when he tucked him in and all, and then the little prick crawls in his bed and just kisses him out of nowhere. It isn't such a terrible exchange for keeping his fingers warm but dammit, did he really have to reawaken some dormant feelings or something?

The rush of water quiets down, and Brett steps out of the bathroom moments later. No glasses, hair all wet and a towel wrapped around his waist. Eddy looks down and busies himself by opening the sour cream & onion pringles can, booting up Netflix on the TV. It's starting to feel hot, looks like he has to turn up the AC.

"So what movie do you wanna watch?" Asks Eddy, keeping his gaze focused on the screen. Brett is putting on his white pajama pants with those blue lines crossing on it, from what Eddy could see in the corner of his field of vision. He's had those pants for years. Guess they're really comfortable.

"I don't know man, just put on some stupid romcom or whatever," Brett answers from beside him, putting on his shirt. Eddy grins at that, trying to think of what could make Brett cringe so much. Either cringe or cry, but Eddy's probably the one that's gonna end up crying. Guess none of the Notebook, he's watched it a few times anyway. What movie...

"Found anything yet?" Brett asked, drying his hair with a towel. "No, I'm still trying to think of one. Wanna just watch some sappy Chinese drama?" Eddy questioned, really running out of ideas. Brett being the handsome prick that he is doesn't really help his thinking capability much right now.

"Uhh, sure I guess." Brett hangs the towel on the rack in the bathroom and grabs a beer from the fridge. "Do you want one too?" He asks from near their table.

"Just take the entire case with you man, I know you're gonna keep getting them later anyways. Don't want you to keep getting up just to get 'em," Eddy says. Brett has done that before, even when they were kids but with caprisuns. Brett comes back grinning with the entire case in his arms, and he sets it down with the rest of the snacks.

Eddy puts on a show he used to watch in his parent's house, Hello my Darling or something. The intro plays as they both settle on the bed. Brett is under the covers, leaning on the upright pillows behind him with Tchaikoala on his right, left hand holding the beer can. Eddy glanced at his phone screen, the time reading 8:11pm.

Guess we're gonna binge this show all night. Some kind of sheltered rich kid decided to go off to college on his own and, oh that's his sister? Damn, she's old.

"Who the hell names their kid, uh, little brother based on a cartoon?" Brett says, taking a swig of his beer. "That kid is definitely getting bullied," Eddy agrees. "Bro, imagine if you name your kid fricking Naruto." Brett laughs without sound, taking another swig. "We should teach him to Naruto run just in case," Brett jokes, mimicking the running stance while making brrr noises.

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