Everyone had managed to bring in all the furniture in about 10 minutes. But now, everyone was gathered around the café in an argument on how to arrange the place

"I have double artistic creativity than all of you combined, so obviously I should be the one arranging" Jeonghan said smugly

"Shut up Han, you just want to get out of moving furniture and boss us around" commented Seungcheol

"No. That's just a bonus" Jeonghan smirked

"Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty. Now why don't we just organise the café like before. Problem solved" said Jihoon

"I'm pretty sure YOU'RE just trying to get out of doing extra work" snickered Minghao

"Oh shut up" the older retaliated

"But wouldn't it be nice to freshen up the café's looks?" Commented Seungkwan

"Yeah! Who was the bugger that decorated it last time anyways? It was too bland if you ask me" said Jun

"HEY!" Complained Mingyu. Wonwoo assumed it was him then who decorated before

Once again, Wonwoo was surrounded by those loud, idiotic, socks-for-brains men



A boisterous laugh cut through everyone's arguments

"Chan what's going on?" Asked Minghao

"Everyone come look at this- HAHAHA"

Soonyoung and Chan were gathered around the furniture and seemed to be looking at the tags

They've finally lost it, Wonwoo couldn't help but think

"Yinguehvarr" [Yngvar] someone tried to pronounce before a few others cracked up

Wonwoo took a closer look at what Soonyoung was holding. It was the tag of one of the furniture

Before Wonwoo could point out what could possibly be so funny about a tag, and what in the world was Soonyoung spewing. He noticed the familiar yellow and blue colours


What else is there to be said?

The group seemed to take an interest in the furniture names and gathered in a circle as each one tried to pronounce its Swedish name (And yes, Wonwoo was in fact dragged along by Mingyu when he saw the black-haired man try to escape. Again)

"Rounnnniingeh" [Rönninge]

"Jasouniengefe" [Janinge]

"Noureiferrarrryd" [Norraryd]

"Ienngahtouurp" [Ingatorp]

(These are fr guys, I went on the IKEA website just for this)

Everyone, except Wonwoo and Jihoon, was laughing hysterically as each person tried to pronounce the odd words

"Ugh, this is a hellhole" muttered Wonwoo

"Kaannaggglieiueg" [Knagglig]

Then suddenly, a bright flash erupted from the middle of the circle, and dark clouds begin to emanate from the light. The smoke begins to take form or some weird thing. Wait, it looks like some buff creature

Wonwoo looked around and see some scared, excited and blank faces

He looked up again and see the something take a physically form

Wait was that a hORN??!



Then a loud shriek erupted from the thing, in which the boys slammed their hands over their ears. When the thing quietened down, they all look up and... dear Lord help them

"Uh, I think we summoned a demon" Minghao said

"Yeah, no sh*t"

//HRUUAGUHIAUAAA!!// the thing screeched, baring its sharp teeth

There was loud crash of thunder (And a few Ikea furniture) and explosions from the demons hands as he eyed his first prey

//DIEEE!// (shineeee lmao) the thing yelled

"lol bye" Wonwoo yeeted outta there as fast as he could. No way in hell was he actually gonna die today





Fallin' Flower est. // SVTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang