"Luna, Rose, Jackie, stay with Bella." Edward said as he, Alice, Valerie, and Jasper made a move to go outside to fight off the werewolves.

"No. I-I can't go in there." Luna said. "I'll come with you."

"Selene, it's dangerous." Jasper told her.

"I have you now." She replied.

The couple looked at the bronze-haired vampire and he nodded once before they walk out of the room. But before they could completely walk out, Edward suddenly slowed down and stopped, turning to glare at Jacob as soon as he read his mind.

The bronze-haired vampire speed towards the shapeshifter and snapped his arm before throwing him against a wall. Jacob groaned in pain as he plummeted to the ground, and all Luna could do was glare at the young man before they went back to what's more important.

Edward, Alice, Valerie, Jasper, and Luna made their way outside where every growl and every step of the shapeshifters could be heard. The five vampires lined up in front of the house while the whole pack positioned themselves in a similar placement.

"We're outnumbered." Jasper said.

"By a lot." Alice added.

Their glares only became more intense as more of them appeared before them.

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward said, scowling at the werewolves.

"Luckily, I'm in the mood for chaos." Luna said as she glowered at them, her fury fueled by the death of her sister and the incident with Jacob and her niece.

Every werewolf in sight had their eyes glowing with utter vexation as they glared at the coven of cold ones, especially Sam who has his eyes fixated on the bronze-haired vampire.

"Let's dance." Valerie said.

The werewolves growled once more before they sprinted from their positions. The vampires charged forward and they immediately made contact with the werewolves.

The vampires were holding the wolves with as much strength as they could muster. Without feeding for weeks, they could only do so much. Jasper successfully threw one wolf against the trunk of a tree which caused it to whimper in pain.

Alice whipped her head to the side to see a wolf coming after her and she jumped up in an attempt to avoid the ever-so-aggressive werewolf, only to be attacked by another making Alice scream.

Edward was also pinned down by Sam to the ground, as well as Valerie who still tried her best to get the wolf off of her.

Luna was faced with Paul once again, hearing his thoughts perfectly clear.

"Why are you still with them? That thing killed your sister!" Paul shouted in his mind.

"That thing is a piece of my sister and you brainless pups are trying to kill her. It's safe to say that I won't team up with you either." Luna scowled at the werewolf before charging after him.

A few hours ago, Luna was running back to Jasper's arms after being scared shitless about being chased by werewolves. She thought she wasn't ready to face those kinds of situations just yet. But it turns out, she is ready. She just needed the right motivation to do so. And that motivation was to protect her newborn niece.

The vampires have been struggling with fighting off the werewolves. Alice, Valerie, and Edward were down and pinned to the ground while Jasper and Luna proceeded to attack with as much force as they can.

Much to their relief, Esme, Carlisle, and Emmett finally arrived and they pushed Sam off of Edward before helping Alice and Valerie get away from the wolves.

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