Serenade x Us x With Nen

Start from the beginning

"I will now begin."

It was like someone had inserted a needle with ice-cold water into her bloodstream. Slowly and then all at once. Pins and needles flowed through her skin inch by inch until it was all over. She felt the heat turn up more. This feels...Familiar.

The fireplace behind them boomed to life. Killua was the first to react, and who looked to Y/N for the answer. She was under Wing's Nen for only a few more seconds. As soon as he was finished the girl inhaled a deep breath of air.

"Holy sh-Wow." Can't swear in front of Zushi, "That...Was intense." Sweat slowly dripped from her neck to her chest.

Constant warm energy hugged her skin. She lifted her hands, holy shit, this is fucking awesome. "This is our aura, right? The life energy?" Y/N asked Wing and turned to him quickly.

"Yes, you can see each other's aura because the microphytes in your eyes were also opened."

"Why does Y/N's life energy bigger than ours?" Killua asked.

The girl in question looked between her arms and her companions. Their life energy is a little less than what I have...Maybe it's just an age thing? "Maybe it's 'cause I'm older? Could that be it?"

"It's possible." Wing commented.

"It looks like smoke. Like steam, rising from the spout of a kettle."

"It's rushing out from every part of my body. It won't stop gushing out. Isn't that dangerous?"

"This is your life energy, so if it continues to escape, you will grow tired. If you expend all your aura, you will collapse from fatigue."

Y/N perked up, "That's where the Four Major Principles come in, right?"

Wing only smiled. He then clapped his hands together, "Listen to me. You must concentrate on keeping your aura within your body."

She focused, keeping her head down, and relaxing the muscles in her body. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on keeping her aura within the boundaries of her body. Like a drop of water flowing from one side to another, she felt her energy minimalize. Is this...Is it working?

"Close your eyes!" He took note of Y/N. She's a quick learner. Perhaps there is more than what meets the eye with her.

"Use any stance that helps you focus. Then, visualize your aura flowing like blood through your body. From the top of your head to your right shoulder, to your hand, before passing through your legs to the left side.

And now, visualize that flow beginning to ebb and hover around your body." Y/N heard Zushi gasp next to her.

"Slowly, open your eyes. How do you feel?"

Gon commented, "I feel like I'm surrounded by some kind of warm mucus." Thaaaat's fucking gross.

"Yes, like I'm wearing weightless clothes."

"It's like a cloth that's draped over me." Y/N observed.

"Continue to maintain those images. Once you've assimilated them, you'll be able to use Ten while asleep." He lowered his head, "Next, I will use hostile Nen against you!"

Dark energy released itself from Wing's body, aimed at the trio of new Nen users. It engulfed the three of them quickly. She looked around, confused. "Previously," Wing spoke out, "It would have been too painful for you to stand inside of this."

"I understand your blizzard analogy now." Killua realized.

"If you can fend off my Nen, you'll be able to break through his barrier! Here I come!" A much stronger wave of energy shot out at the group.

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