Bitches x Get x Fucked

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I just finished all my midterms! I had to write like 3 essays for my English class and 1 essay for my introduction to criminology class. I'm so tired out but I'm glad to have gotten this chapter out!

ALSO, I'VE UPLOADED EARLY!!! Well, as early as early gets.

I am going to be explaining in the next chapter the "arcs" that I will have in this story. It's obviously going to be a little different from the show, but it's going to be vital for the plot.

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"You're a butler's apprentice for the Zoldyck family." Y/N observed the young girl's choice in clothing.

They looked up at the defensive female. She narrowed her (e/c) eyes. Gon bounced his attention from the girl blocking the pathway to Y/N. Leorio readied his knife in his pocket whilst Kurapika readied his wooden blades.

"Leave. You are trespassing on private property. I cannot allow you to pass without permission."

"We called ahead and we came in through the Testing Gate."

"The butlers did not give you permission to enter."

Gon let out an irritated huff, "What do we need to do to get their permission? I said that I was Killua's friend, but they wouldn't put him on."

"I wouldn't know. Because no one has ever received their permission to enter."

"Then we'll have to trespass!" He yelled.

"I suppose so. In any case, this is where I draw the line. If you take one step beyond this line, I'll have to remove you by force."

She's unusually calm. Y/N stepped back into Leorio's chest...again. Lingering energy surrounded the group. It was almost transparent, but the female was able to watch it dance around. The energy engulfed her figure.

What the fuck is happening? She shut her eyes tight. When she opened them again, her friends were gone. Yet, there stood Canary. Except she was three years younger. She looks a lot more nervous here than when we came into contact with her. Y/N looked around quickly.

A Blacklist Hunter stood a little ways away with many men behind him. Oh, you have got to be joking. Y/N took a special interest in a man wearing a brown jacket and a cigarette in his mouth. That's Seaquant. Then that means... She looked back at Canary.

"You're going to murder them." Y/N gasped.

She turned around to face the men approaching the pathway. "You can't go through! She's going to kill you!"

As fast as it came, Y/N stretched her arm out quickly. The next second she was back in the present and laying on the ground. Her outstretched hand almost punched Kurapika in the face. He looked down with worry until the girl almost hit him of course.

She looked up at him. The birds chirping in the trees ceased. Y/N sat up slowly. Leorio and Gon stood behind Kurpika. The young girl in Y/N's odd dream stood in the same place as before. Judging from the sky, she looked up, I haven't been out for long.

"You killed most of those men that tried to enter here three years ago."

"They walked past the line with the intent to kill my masters. I did what had to be done."

Y/N shook her head. But she's right. Their goal was murder. But ours is to get Killua. Nervous sweat dripped off the side of Leorio's face. Gon took a few steps toward Canary. Kurapika remained silent. Does he know what I know?

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