35. The Beta And The Lucky Omega (Yakulev special)

Start from the beginning

"You act and smell like an omega but you definitely don't look like one." The alpha said.

Lev was holding back tears. He'd heard it before. In fact the year before when he presented As an omega everyone was a bit shocked. This alpha was intimidated by Lev's hight. His head only went a little past lev's shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry... I'll just request a switch." Lev said.

"I'll do it." Takibi spat. And with that he turned and left.

A week had past and it the first day of school.
Lev hadn't heard anything from the school after meeting Takibi. He went to his class and ended up being pulled aside by the teacher.

"Lev Haiba?" His teacher asked.

Lev nodded.

"I was told to tell you that the alpha you were paired with requested a switch and you now have no pair. You can either completely drop out of the program or try to find someone to pair with you." His teacher said then Lev took his seat.

After classes were over Lev headed to where the volleyball club was he was pretty new to volleyball but he was excited non the less.  When he got there he was met by t boy with black hair that half covered his face and was spiked up in the back.

"Hello! I'm kuroo the captain. You must be a first year." He said.

Lev has a pretty excited smile on his face has he introduced himself. A while later the rest of the club showed up and I introduced them selves. Then they began practice. Kuroo noticed that he needed help with receiving so he asked Yaku their Libero to take Lev outside and help him with Receives

Lev looked at Yaku for a moment confused when they got outside.

"What are you looking at ?" Yaku asked a bit confused.

"Haha sorry it's just I was thinking you probably get confused for being a Omega because of your size and scent." Lev laughed

Yaku's brows furrowed as he glared and then kicked Lev in the leg.

"I am not short!" He shouted leaving Lev a bit in shock considering that he didn't mean it in a bad way.

"I'm sorry." Lev said.

"Let's just get on with receives."

After  ten or Fifteen minutes later the coach came out and asked to speak to Lev. Yaku and Lev followed him back into the gym.

"So I just found out you are not paired with anyone... is that correct?" He asked a little concerned.

Lev nodded.

The coach sighed.
"You can't be apart of the volleyball club if your not paired with anyone."He said.

"But- but i." Lev had to hid the fact he wanted to cry.
"But the alpha I was paired with switched."

The coach looked at him with sympathy. He understood this was not the best situation for a omega to be in.
"Well if you can find someone who isn't paired with anyone maybe you can ask them. That's the only advice I can give."

Lev turned and looked at the rest of the club. All of them seemed to be paired with someone. Then he stared at Yaku.

"No, I'm a Beta I'm not going to." He said staring back at Lev.

Kuroo looked back and forth between the two.

The coach also looked between them.
"Yaku, you are a third year you should set an example for your underclassmen."

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