The Diamond trio

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I woke up safe on a hospital bed in St. Mungo's. My mum was next to me, as well as my dad. A healer was in there, and I soon recognized him as Scorpius's dad. "Mum? Dad?" I said hoarsely. My mum turned to me and hugged me. "Are you okay?" She asked softly. I nodded and my father joined the hug. After they let go, my dad said, "Rosie, tell us everything that happened as you remember it."

I told them the story, and they were both sad and mad. "Oh Rose, Albus and Scorpius were worried to death when they found out. Albus blamed himself, and Scorpius was so worried that he joined the search parties. Speaking of that, tell Scorpius that she's awake."

"How long was I out?" I asked. 

"A day."

I gaped at my parents. I was unconscious for a whole day of my life! 

Just then Albus and Scorpius burst in. "Oh my gosh Rose I am so sorry! If I hadn't been kidnapped...." Albus shook his head. "It's okay." I assured him. Scorpius took my hand and held it, earning a protective growl from my father. 

"Oh my gosh Rose..." "It's fine." I said. I started crying into his shoulder. All the emotions that I had felt during the incident came spilling out of me through tears. He kissed me, and I kissed back. My mum and Albus worked together to hold my dad back. 

I then became Scorpius's girlfriend. 

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