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I woke up bound and gagged in...

Malfoy Manor?

I started panicking. I was with Scorpius, what had happened to him? Suddenly I heard this next to me:

"Morning Sleeping Beauty." I came from a white haired woman in black robes. "Mf." I hummed. "You followed the clues that Albus sent. But you broke one of the rules." 

I gave her a look that asked, which one? "You weren't supposed to get to the end of it. You were supposed to die trying or not do it in time." She points her wand at me. 

"Crucio." She says. 

My body is racked with pain, the worst I have ever felt. I wanted to die. She kept hitting me with the curse. Black was swimming in front of my vision, I screamed again when she hit me. 

I blacked out. She kept torturing me over the next few days, and I lost track of time. My life was, torture, black out, wake up, repeat. It was impossible. One day though, I woke up from a torture session and heard my father's voice yell, "WHERE ARE YOU KEEPING HER?" The voice that responded was one that I didn't recognize. "I won't tell you. You'll have to find the brat yourself. 

"Goyle..." My father sounded furious, and I tried to scream, but I couldn't. My throat was dust dry. I probably hadn't eaten since I tried to find Albus with Scorpius. 


This time when I tried, a little sound came out. My hoarse voice said, 

"Dad, I'm down here. Dad?" 

After a couple minutes of this, my father opened the door. He was accompanied by Mum and Uncle Harry. "Rose?" My father asked. I nodded. 

He freed me and picked me up. My mother held my hand and said, "We will get you out of here safe, Rosie." 

I passed out in my father's arms. 

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