Chapter 9

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September 13th 2012...

"So which one are we thinking?" He asked her over the phone.

"My heart is really set on the one we saw on monday," she said with a pout that he couldn't see, but knew was there nonetheless.

"I told you it would be the one before we even go there," he said and she groaned.

"And for that I blame you. You jinxed it because now I'm in love with an apartment I can't afford," she said standing to start looking for an outfit for their dinner date that they had later that evening.

"Let me help you out," he said casually and she rolled her eyes.

"The whole point of me moving out is to get a place that I-"

"No string attached," he added seeing where her disagreement was going.

"I can't Aubrey," she softly, but he heard the seriousness in her tone and knew they would end up arguing if he pushed it any further.

"Ok. So what are you wearing?" he asked her and she sighed, having put off finding an outfit and now she had to find something.

"What was the dress code again?" she asked, standing and walking over to the wardrobe to decide what she wanted to wear.

"Casual. Honestly go comfortable," he suggested.

"Jeans comfortable or a cute dress comfortable?" she asked.

"Jeans comfortable," he replied and she nodded as she pulled out a pair of ribbed flared leg trousers.

"Is it cold? I haven't been outside today?" She picked out two tops debating which one she wanted to go for.

"Not so much cold. The atmosphere is usually quite busy so you might get warm once we're in there," he said and she frowned a little now trying to work out where it was they were going. "Like if you're wearing a jumper I wouldn't wear a top underneath,"

"Of course you're suggesting that," she said with a chuckle and he was quick to try and redeem himself.

"Now you know that's not what I meant," he said with a smile.

"I know, but just know that if I get cold I'm taking your jacket," she warned and she walked over to her draw and took out a white sleeveless high neck crop top...

"So how's it going? Have you decided how you're going to tell him?" Drake asked her as they sat waiting for the food they had ordered in the buzzing atmosphere of the restaurant.

"I haven't, but I'm hoping that I'm gonna have a place by next week so that I can sit him down and we can talk about it because I don't wanna drag it out any longer," she said and watched as he ran his thumb over the back of her hand for comfort.

"You sure you don't want me to be around, in case you need a hand moving?" he asked. He was headed to Toronto tomorrow evening for an art festival and had booked a few work opportunities whilst he was there so would be away for a little over a week.

"No, I'll be ok. I think it's better that way because I'd rather not cause any more trouble than what I'm already about to." She zoned out for a moment as she thought mentally trying to envision how the conversation would go, but she had nothing.

"Hey, stop, it's gonna be ok. I promise,"

"You can't promise me that Aubrey," she said with a small smile and he shrugged.

"I just did. But it seems this is stressing you out, so let's change the topic cause we're not seeing each other for a little while and we gotta make memories for the time apart,"

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