Chapter 6

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July 22nd 2012...

Nicki woke up to her phone buzzing on her bedside table. She turned to her side and after reading the name on the screen, she just pressed the decline button before returning back to the comfortable position she was once in.

"Who was that?" Derrick asked, still half asleep as he turned around so that he was facing her, and pulling her into his embrace.

"No one important," She replied back and laid her head on his chest. He just shrugged in off and allowed them both to drift back to sleep...

Drake on the other hand just sat and frowned at his phone. She would never decline his call without giving him a reason but he just brushed it off and decided to text her instead.

Let me know when you're free. Just wanna know how you're doing it's been a while. - Aubrey

And at that he decided to get himself dressed for the gallery opening that would be taking place in just over an hours time.

Being that he had been out in Paris for just over a week now, He hadn't had the chance to spend time with Nicki, or even discuss where they stood after the incident. He had made sure to tell her that he was going to be overseas until the beginning of September and she had reassured him that while he was away they would find a moment in which they could discuss the situation, but that hadn't happened yet. He had just pinned it down to her being busy and their schedules not crossing.

He did up the buttons to his shirt and tucked it in before making sure he looked presentable. Once he was happy with his look, he made his way out of his french apartment after grabbing the essentials he would need and made his way to the awaiting Mercedes and Chauffeur...


"You want me to top up your drink?" Derrick asked and Nicki just lightly shook her head and gave him a small smile that he returned before they diverted their attention to the speech that was being given by the best man...

"Any chances of your wedding anytime soon?" Nicki's cousin asked with a smirk as they watched Derrick converse with the other men. Nicki just chuckled.

"You'd have to ask him. I mean we've been together long enough but I guess it's on him to pop the question," she replied with a shrug. "I mean we have been in a good place recently so I don't see why it won't happen soon,"

"That's nice though, like you two have known each other for so long and it just wouldn't be right to see either of you with anyone else," Her other cousin said and the other ladies agreed. "Well we better start pressuring him because the sooner we get that ring, the sooner a little you will be on the way," They all shared a laugh and Nicki playfully rolled her eyes.

Not too long later Derrick made his way over and reached out his hand to her for dance. She gladly accepted and they joined the other couples on the dance floor, swaying to the gentle music. "I love you," he said to her before placing a kiss on her temple.

"I love you too," She responded before laying her head on his chest and enjoying the moment.It felt nice to finally be in a place where they were cordial with each other; of course they weren't perfect yet but they were on the same page at that's all that mattered.

She'd been thinking over the past week about the incident that had taken place between herself and drake and she'd managed to convince herself that her feelings were rash and in the moment. She couldn't make sense of how she had fallen for someone so quickly and so she came to the conclusion that it wasn't what she thought it was. And in doing that she wanted to detach herself from him completely, hence her ignorance towards him.

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