Chapter 2

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*after interview*

Chloe pov

"Okay well I'll talk to the manager and I'll get back to you." "Okay" he said while getting up. Once he turned around I said, "okay you got the job." "Don't you have to get the managers approval?" "Yup!" "Then how did I get the job." "Because I'm the manager." "Wait seriously?" "Yeah" "thank you so much!" "Of course." "You start tomorrow morning before school." "Okay see you tomorrow boss"

*A few hours later*

(Texts between Sarina and Chloe)

C: So I now have a new employee.
S: Really how did that happen???
C: Well he came in yesterday asking for a job and then I gave him an interview and then boom now he is my employee!
S: Does he know that it would just be the two of you?
C: Yeah, but I didn't tell him why and I don't plan on it.
S: How old is he?
C: Our age... I found out that we all go to the same school.
S: Awesome so I get to meet him.
C: Yup!
S: Okay is he cute?
C: Sort of...
C: Okay Majorly!!!
S: EEK! Is he tall?
C: He's about 6foot
S: So are you going to call dibs or can I?
C: I'm not going to call dibs on some dude I just met! Or a guy in general!
S: So that's a yes. Darn It!
C: Whatever! I'll see you tomorrow!
S: Okay!
S: Wait what's his name?
C: Louis
S: Okay bye!
C: Bye see you tomorrow.

*The next day at work.*

"Hey." I hear someone say while walking up to me. "Oh, Hey louis. Your here early which means you get to start your training early." "Sounds good." "Okay, here is the latte machine, and then the brewer, this is the ice box, and there is all of the sweeteners and syrup's and whipped cream." "Got it." I then showed him how to use the latte machine and brewer. "Okay your a fast learner." "I try to be." Then I showed him the right proprtions of things like syrup and whipped cream. "Perfect! Now let's see how it tastes." I take a small sip of the latte. "Wow this is really good!" "Thanks." Then as if she was waiting for me to say it, Sarina walked in. I walked over with the coffee. "Louis, this is Sarina, she goes to our school, and she will sometimes help us out. And Sarina this is Louis my new employee." I then write a small note on the side of the cup and hand it to her. She took it and then read the note. "DIBS...JK" She then looked up at me and smirked and winked at me. "So Louis, how is it that we go to the same school and Chloe and I are just now meeting you." Sarina said before taking a sip of the coffee. "I'm not sure." He said. "WOAH THIS IS AMAZING!" "Thank you." "Okay well I have to get going. Louis I'll see you around, Chloe I'll see you on the bus. Or wait louis do you want to ride with us?" "Um, sure why not." "Cool! Well then Sarina we'll see you and Caleb at the bus stop." I said. "Bye!" She said while waving to us. We both just waved.
*5 minutes later*
Mrs. Keen walked in (she is the first customer to ever walk into the cafe.) At 6:45 sharp, without a fail she was here every day and at the exact same time. "Hey Mrs. Keen! What would you like today?" "I'll get a sugar free caramel iced latte with extra whipped cream since Mr. Keen isn't in the car, so I can go crazy!" I looked at her and chuckled a bit. "Oh, who is this?" She asked while pointing at Louis. "This is louis, he's my new employee." "Nice to meet you sweetheart!" "You too ma'am." "Please call me Mrs. Keen." Louis started making her drink and I talked to Mrs. Keen. "It's been a long time since I've seen another worker, especially a teen boy." "Yeah, it does feel good to have someone who doesn't know about everything." "Are you going to tell him?" "I know I should but I don't want him to leave just like everyone else." Then louis came over and handed her the drink. "Thank you so much." "She took a small sip and then her face lit up. "This is the best coffee I've had since-" she paused. "-since I first came here." Louis just smiled as she walked out. "Hey, we should probably get going, it's getting really close to when the bus leaves and we have to walk about a mile and a half.

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