Mistake or Miracle

Start from the beginning

"M-m-mines?" Sehun mumbles. "We slept together once Jongin. Are you sure it's mine?" Sehun asks. Jongin narrows his eyes at Sehun.

"Do you think I sleep around Sehun? Do you see me that low?" Jongin lets out a bitter laugh. "Jongin, I'm not ready for a child. Heck, I can't even look after myself" Sehun admits.

"I'm not ready too, Sehun! How are you so selfish? You were the one who didn't use condoms!" Jongin exclaims and Sehun looks taken aback. "We were both drunk," Sehun argues.

Jongin shakes his head, "Just tell me this. Will you take responsibility for the baby or not?" the elder asks with a stern face. "Can't you just abort it?" Sehun protests.

"I guess the question is answered. Let me tell you something, when the baby is born you have no rights to touch them heck don't even look at him or her. I will raise this child on my own." he announces.

"Don't worry, they will never hear about their other father. That's what you want right?" Jongin raises his eyebrows. Sehun sighs and looks back at Jongin. He nods. "I will be leaving now."

With that Sehun left Jongin's apartment and as soon as the door closed Jongin drops on his knees crying hard while his hands hug his stomach.

"Don't worry, PaPa got you. I will protect you." Jongin whispers to his still flat stomach. If Sehun doesn't want the baby then he will raise the baby alone with all he has.

When he checks the internet, he sees all of the fans were surprised and concerned about his hiatus announcement without specific reasons out of the blues.

The members (expect Sehun) and friends flood his phone with encouraging messages that they will be there for him no matter what. That gives him some energy.

When he told his family about his pregnancy, everyone was surprised at first thinking that Jongin is joking but later they all show their support for him.


5 months into his pregnancy, his bump is showing now so he never leaves his apartment only his friends and family members visiting him with food and supplies since he can't go outside.

Pregnancy hasn't been really hard for him except for weird food cravings, morning sickness, 24/7 hungry, and sore feet.

Throughout the months he has grown to love his unborn baby and his cute baby bump. Whenever he gets bored he always takes mirror selfies like other pregnant women showing off his baby bump.

The doctor also informed him that his baby is a baby girl at first he cried with happiness and later guilt because he couldn't give his future daughter a complete family for her.

But, he is a man of his words. He is determined to raise this baby on his own and will give the baby the world she deserves.

Right now, he is laying on his bed talking to his baby bump, "Hi, angel. Why are you always making me hungry? Why won't you let me eat proper food?" he rubs his stomach.

"Bell pepper and peanut butter? Really?" he chuckles. "But it's okay I promise to give you everything you want. Our first meeting wasn't the best but I love you so much okay?"

"I can't wait to hold you in my arms and protect you from the world." he feels a kick and places his hand on the area she kicked. If only there was someone he could share the joy with.

"I bet you will look so adorable and cute. Indeed, you will be blessed with great genes." he chuckles.

Whenever he talks to the baby bump his mind always crosses Sehun or how different it would be if Sehun wasn't selfish. Jongin sighs again.

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