Behind the Flashes (1)

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Sometimes not everything you see on the internet is true. They might be smiling in photos but no one knows what goes on behind the camera. Relationships too in fact are not perfect.

They've been in a relationship for 3 years, CEO Kim Kai and Idol Oh Sehun, of course, they're a catch. Lately, whatever they do is just isn't working. To sum up, their relationship is falling apart.

They have to act like everything is fine but behind those lenses, no one knows how often they are arguing, it's honestly very tiring to put that 'perfect life' on the internet when all he wants to do is cry.

Like right now, Jongin has his arms around Sehun's waist as paparazis take pictures of them. True that the photos are going to turn out well but who knows they are literally so close to breaking up.

His boyfriend leans in "Smile," he says, Sehun quickly curves his lips upward. The hold on his waist tightens. Everything feels so suffocating. 15 minutes ago they were arguing but now they're smiling at the cameras like the 'perfect happy couple' they are.

They're currently at the opening of the new car showroom Z.Tao owns. Sehun spots Chanyeol and Baekhyun entering, Jongin and Sehun take a chance and walk into the showroom. 

Once they're free from the cameras, the younger male pushes himself out of Jongin's arms. Tao approaches them "Sehunnie!" he greets pulling Sehun into a hug. "Jongin, man! I haven't seen you in such a long time!" the man is all smile.

"We should hang out some other time, dude" Jongin replies. Sehun eyes his boyfriend "Tao, let's go get a drink?" he suggests his best friend. "I can't be drunk but sure, let's go!" just like that Sehun left Jongin's side for the night.

With a champagne glass in his hands, Jongin approaches Sehun who is currently drinking at the bar. He sits beside the younger male, Jongin knows Sehun is getting drunk by the way his face is turning red.

Sehun glares at him "Can't you leave me alone?" he hisses venomously at the elder male. Jongin squints his eyebrows "Don't make a scene, Sehun. We're in public." he shrugs looking around them, wondering if someone heard their conversation.

Sehun swallows the whiskey with no hesitation, "You're drunk, Sehun. Stop" Jongin stops his hand which only caused the younger to glare daggers at him.  "Leave me the fuck alone! I don't need you to look after me. I don't need you acting like a fucking babysitter." he snaps.

Jongin takes a deep breath to calm his anger holding himself from causing a big scene. He grips Sehun's wrist tightly "Get up, Sehun." he commands. Sehun yanks his hand "Jongin, I'm not asking for much. I just want to be alone right now." he switches his tone this time.

Jongin sighs "We're going home. There we will talk." he suggests. If they keep up with this they will end up arguing in the public's eyes, they can't let that happen. Sehun gives up trying to get personal space.

That's the thing that annoys him the most, He can never get personal space. Every time he's hanging out with his friends his boyfriend would blow up his phone asking him to come back right now. 

They greet Tao and their friends then head homes, Sehun ignores Jongin the whole ride by just looking out the window. Out of habit, Jongin's hand reaches to grab on his thigh but the younger moves his legs away from the elder's reach.


Sehun saunters to their bedroom with Jongin following him behind, Jongin plops down on their bed while Sehun chooses his pajamas for the night. He catches himself choosing one of  Jongin's bigger T-shirts. 

The elder stares at his boyfriend wondering where did it go wrong. These days everything they do just pisses each other off. Sehun catches him staring at him, "You want to shower first?" he asks.

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