Behind the Flashes (2)

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For the first time in Kai's life, he feels insecurity flows through his veins the reason is Ian Lee. The lawyer is a gentleman, and he has the looks. Sehun's type for sure. The man stands tall with Sehun in his arm.

Sehun and his boyfriend went public after a paparazzi photo of them got exposed when they were biking around Han River at 2 in the morning. People have their own opinion Sehun doesn't care what those haters talk about him.

At the end of the day, it's him who made money while people behind the screens just wasted their time trying to bring him down. Ian is very protective of Sehun so the younger had to stop his boyfriend from suing every anti's comment he sees.

"Kim Kai, nice to meet you. I'm Ian Lee. Sehun's boyfriend" he introduces himself extending his arms. Kai shakes their hands "Nice to meet you too, Ian Lee." he says with the same energy.

Sehun already regrets agreeing to Kai's idea, this is so awkward. Sehun wants to cry he should've just spend dinner with his boyfriend only. "The purpose of this dinner is?" Ian raises his eyebrows at Kai.

Sehun places his palm on Ian's strong thigh, "Just wanted to introduce him to you, so that, people will know we're on good terms." he explains the man softly. "I guess we are?" Ian replies with a deep chuckle.

"No companion?" Ian asks Kai who is busy checking Sehun out. "Dude, I'm not going to sit here and appreciate you checking my boyfriend out." Kai clears his throat "He was mine first." he shoots back.

Ian laughs mockingly "He's mine now, isn't he? Because of your selfishness." Kai almost launches a punch at the lawyer. 

Sehun cuts in "Babe, no you promised me. C'mon, let's order something, hmm?" he says to Ian who is glaring at Kai. Kai almost replied when Sehun said 'babe', 

Kai snickers "Selfishness? Are you even ready to be a father?"

Ian closes the menu he's checking "Sehun's not even on stupid pills anymore. After his new album promotions, the first thing you'll see on the headlines is 'Oh Sehun and his boyfriend Lawyer Ian Lee, expecting their first child"

Sehun almost smiles at the image but remembers Kai is with them "Ian, babe. I'm starving so can we please order something?" he whispers to his boyfriend. 

Kai watches Sehun clinging to Ian's arm as the man orders food "He likes the rib-eyes steak from here." Kai cuts in. Sehun blinks at Kai for a second, Ian orders what Sehun's favorite. "I think you should erase everything about Sehun. He's my boyfriend to take care of." 

Kai scoffs "Mad because I know what Sehun's favorite food is when you don't, boy how pathetic are you. What more don't you know? I'll tell you everything." 

Ian clicks his tongue and Sehun starts to sweat. Ian is a lawyer he knows how to ask a question and it's damn serious if he clicked his tongue like that.

"Why is it so hard for you to man up and use a fucking condom instead of making Sehun take pills which isn't good for his health?" Ian asks.

Kai gapes, birth control is unhealthy? "I had my reasons," he replies making Sehun rolls his eyes.

"Excuses, if my baby's growth and health get effect because of the god damn pills you forced him to take, I will chop your dick off, Kim." Ian threatens. Sehun rubs his hand on Ian's shoulder, 

"Hey, that will never happen. I'm healthy, aren't I? You take care of me well. Our baby will be fine don't worry." Sehun comforts the lawyer. Kai stares at him "Why didn't you tell me those pills are not good!" he snaps.

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