Figuring Things Out

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'Just as I was about to fall asleep.'

"Will you go out with me?"

'I felt my heart thump against my chest, my body jolted and my eyes popped wide open. I was fully awake now.'

Umm— wh-what?

'I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean yeah I loved Erin with all of my heart and we had an amazing day together; but I still couldn't forget the night at her party.'

'Erin's big beautiful soft brown eyes were pleading for an answer. I could feel my heart melt; but I had to get some things straight because I don't want to get hurt again.'

Erin... I love you I really do.. but the- the night at your party..

'I couldn't even finish my sentence without being drowned in a wave of painful memories of how Erin hurt me and how Sarah broke me.'

'My whole body started to tremble and shake. My heart felt has it had shattered into a million pieces and those pieces cut every inch of my insides. I felt as if all the breath left my body.'

You hurt me Erin

'I started balling.'

'I could see the hurt reflected in her eyes. She was hurt for the way she hurt me.'


'She said as the tears started to fall gown her face.'

"I'm so sorry for everything I did to you."

'She gently cupped my face while wiping my tears away.'

"I never meant to hurt you. You're the only real love I've ever had in my life and I haven't been the same since you left my party that night. I haven't hung out with anyone or really gone out. All I could think about was you.. I tried checking on you but you kinda went off the radar for me a bit."

Wait.. what do you mean check on me?

"Umm I called you and left you voicemails but you never called me back."

'I was sitting there kinda stumped. I don't remember getting a voicemail.. unless Paulson deleted it..'

'But I wouldn't put anything past her.'

"Chloe are you okay?"

'I was snapped back to reality by Erin's sweet voice.'

Yeah.. sorry I spaced...



'She softly hummed'

I would love to be your girlfriend.. we just have to take it slow because I'm still scared..

'Her beautiful brown eyed sparkled at me.'

"Thank you. I'm so glad you gave me another chance babe. I don't ever want to lose you again."

It's us against the world.

'I kissed the top of her bright soft blue hair and breathed in her scent.'

'We cuddled and slowly drifted off to sleep and for the first time in a while I actually felt okay.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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