So What Are We?

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                   *Chloe's POV*

'I woke up to an empty bed. I looked all over the house Sarah is nowhere to be found. I walked back in the bedroom and seen a note folded up on the nightstand.'

Chloe you're days of being in trouble are up. You can go home now.

- Officer Paulson

'The note was kind of cold. A wave of uneasiness hit my stomach. I guess it's because she had to say professional Incase anyone else saw it.. but I just still couldn't shake the feeling.'

'I took out a piece of paper wrote down my phone number and left it on the nightstand for her to call.'

'When I got home I fed all the animals, I took a shower, changed into some pjs, eagerly waiting Sarah's call. The sun was now setting.. maybe she's still at work? Maybe she's too tired to call tonight.'

******Days Later******

'She still hasn't called and I can feel the sadness swallowing me whole. She's like a drug and right now I'm addict that can't get a fix. I opened my pack of cigarettes to find them empty!! Fuck this day couldn't get any worse. Apparently the universe loves proving me wrong because I opened up my weed stash to find out I had no weed either. There was no liquor in the liquor cabinet and there was no food either.'


'I feel like I'm about to go mental!'

'I walked in my room to see Willow chewing on my inhaler.'

'I swear to fuck! It feels like everything that could go wrong right now is!! I feel like I can't catch a break.'

'On my way out of the house I slammed the door.'

'Across the street I seen Sarah kissing some old bitch on the lips. I felt my eyes burn freshly hot tears streaked down my face. I seen Sarah looking at her the way she looked at me the night we was in bed. That's it... that was the last straw for me.'

'I stormed across the street. I grabbed Sarah by the elbow.'


'I screamed.'

'The old woman that was with Sarah kept looking back and forth between us, trying to figure out what was going on.'

"Sarah do you know her?"

'The older woman ask.'

'Oh boy does she know me. I thought.'

"She's one of my prisoners. Holland honey why don't you go wait inside? I will be there in a few."

'Holland walked inside the restaurant.'

"Chloe you need to leave now, you're causing a scene."

I'm causing a scene??? I WONDER WHY SARAH?!!

'She looked confused.'

Yo-yo-you never called me.

'I said my voice on the edge of breaking.'

"I didn't know I was suppose to."

'She said coldly.'

Of course you were!! Why else would I leave you my number?!

"What do you want??"

I want to know what we are?!

"Chloe we are just acquaintances. I have a girlfriend."

You sure didn't seem to have a girlfriend the night you were between my legs!!

'I spat angrily.'

'She stepped closer to me.'

"Look Chloe that was a mistake and you need to leave before I throw you in actually jail this time."

'I wanted to say something.. but my mind went blank and my heart shattered. I ran off crying.'

'I went to the liquor store and got a bunch of vodka. I called up my dealer and got some weed and some coke. It's been a while since I done coke but fuck it..'

'I went back home downing the whole bottle of vodka.. smoking a joint and doing a line of coke. Everything was starting to become a blur.. all I know is I don't wanna be alone.. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes and made my way to Erin's house.. I smoked half of them on the way there.. I banged on the door and slid down.. passing out.. waiting on her to answer.'

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