"Hey, is Lucy alright?"

"Yeah, Lucy and Happy are still sleeping."

"Then how about we go and surprise her by going and getting her the things that broke last night."

"That would be great but how did you get all the money to do this?"

"The whole gang is coming to help, even gramps"

Smiling and looking back, I grabbed the list and kiss Lucy's head. Then went to Levy and shut the door.

"Okay lets go."

Leaving with Levy we meet with the others and went shopping to go get Lucy the things she broke.


Waking up I kept hearing a loud knock on the door and saw that Natsu wasn't here. Grabbing the sleeping Happy, I looked around the house to see if Natsu was anywhere to be seen but he was nowhere. Walking through the cleaned up house I smiled forgetting someone was at the door. Annoyed with the banging on my door, I went to the door which woke Happy up and opened it a crack to see two girls from school.

"What do you want?"

"We wanted to tell you that you are needed at the park right now."

"Why? I don't even know you girls."

"Yeah you do! Tell her who we are tell her!!!"

"Shut up we were told not to!"

Shutting the door the girls banged on my door again yelling to open up. Rolling my eyes I started to walk away till one of the girls opened the door and jumped on me. Dropping Happy, I pushed the girls off of me and tried to stand up till one of them kicked my leg.

"HEY!!! Leave her alone!!!"

"Happy are you okay."

"I'm fine."

"Didn't she say to bring the cat with us?"

"Yes now you go get him and I'll deal with her"

"Happy, go find Natsu!"


As Happy pulled out his wings and flew out the open door the girl yelled and followed Happy. Turning at the girl in front of me, I just glared at her. She then jumped on me and I pushed her off. She tried to kick me and I dodged it, then tried to punch me in the face so I ducked. It was really easy to fight this girl for she doesn't even try so I slid my leg to trip her and when she got up she brought out a knife which scared me and she smiled.

"What's wrong, don't know how to dodge a knife."

"Your talking too big."

She then swung the knife and I barley dodged it, skinning my cheek. Standing up I didn't know what hit me but I felt something hit my head and I fell to the ground darkness covering my eyes. Waking up I can see trees everywhere and the sun trying to light its way through the cracks of the trees, and then two figures came in front of me. One of the girls was from the house fighting me, the other one I don't know so that lets me know the one chasing Happy doesn't have him.

"Finally she's awake."

"Well, you hit her in the head to hard I'm surprised she's alive."

"I had to do it or you would have never got the job done."

"Shhh she's coming"

Looking to see who they where talking about, Lisanna showed up and it made me mad so when I went to get up I noticed I was tied.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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