Ch. 8

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Looking at Lucy, she looked down tears streaming down her face. She's been through so much and I wasn't there to protect her and that made me mad. Why would her father and brother do that to her?! Taking deep breath's I hugged Lucy with all that I got.

"I'm not leaving you! I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, I shouldn't have moved, I should have stayed, that way I could have protected you."

Crying a little bit, I pulled away from Lucy and looked at her with a serious face. "Can you take off your hoodie for me?!"



"It's okay Happy.... I've hidden enough from him."

As she got up, she took her hoodie off and reveled a long sleeved shirt. Looking at her, she blushed and looked down trying not to cry. She then turned around and took off her shirt. Shocked and scared, I was looking at Lucy who's body was covered head to toe in scars that look like they where deep. Lucy then put her shirt back on and turned towards me with tears in her eye's and then looks at me.

"Are you okay Natsu!?"

Getting up, I walked over to Lucy and held her crying. "Natsu?"

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you... seeing those on you makes me mad and upset at myself and your family. You had to suffer all that without any help and I'm sorry..."

"Oh Natsu... it's not your fault.... please don't cry.... this isn't like you, the only time I saw you cry was when you had to go home after the soccer game I lost..."

"I can't.... I don't like it when your hurt Luce.... it hurt's me..."

As Lucy held onto me, I held onto her tighter. All those scars are all the time and years where I could have helped her but didn't cause I had to move so I can train. I never told Lucy the real reason why I had to leave for her mom and my dad Igneel, who is a real dragon told me not to. I really wanted to but they said if I did, then she would want to go with me and me going away without her would have hurt her more.

"If it makes you feel better you have to promise me that you will always be there for me and you will never leave me!"

"I PROMISE LUCE!!! I promise that I'll never leave you."


As me and Lucy was about to kiss someone broke the door open and Lucy hid in my chest. Coming into the living room was Erza and the gang. Once they saw me and Lucy, Happy tug onto Lucy and she looked up. Wiping away her tears, she looked at the gang with a smile which I know is fake, she just doesn't want them to worry.

"NATSU~ You scared us!!!"

As Lisanna jumped on me, Lucy tried to look away but I could tell she was hurting. She then went to the others and smiled.

"Hey guys what brings you here? And who broke my door!?"

Looking at Lucy, she tried to smile but you can tell she was mad. It even made Erza scared and she went and fixed the door. As we all looked shocked at what just happened Lucy turned around and went to the kitchen.

"Now that the door is fixed, who wants cookies!"


"Aye, Lushie makes the best cookies!!! It's homemade too!!!"

As everyone ran into the kitchen, I pulled Lisanna off me and joined the others. Everyone was enjoying the cookies and it made Lucy happy to see that their happy. Standing in a corner, Lucy came over and gave me a plate of cookies.

"Here you go Natsu."

"Thanks Luce."

"Why aren't you with the others?"

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