The warm blanket

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The sea carried away. It fell in love itself. The sea was affectionate and warm. It caressed the sand leaving white marks. She sat with closed eyes on the cold sand. She heard.

Marine surf harshly arrived breaking into thousands small serapes of crystal. It increased with each new arrival forcing ears listened itself fairy music.

The autumn has started. She knew that it hides behind a door and soon comes in without knocking. She has wrapped in a checkered and soft blanket. It smelled of tea and childlike books. The blanket was fairytale which it was told in long winter evenings.

The wind flew. The forced Her flinch. She shivered and better wrapped on a blanket.

The sea raged. He wasn't interested Her thoughts. The sea was interested own dreams. It dreamed about freedom and so about how gave this freedom another who needed it.

She was free. Probably, she could feel this freedom as a whole. But now she was looking in offing and thought about world. About how it's huge, that her person is somewhere, that there is another sea just like is somewhere, and somewhere also on the shore sits a girl, cocooned on a chequered blanket and thinks.

The wind increased. Water-waves towered over coast how trees over hand. She slowly went along coast hold up with hands a blanket.

The autumn has started. 

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