Kisushite kudasai.....

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I love you. You are my everything. Your black emo style hair, your green glistening eyes, your cute little freckles, your poke able nose, you pink sexy lips that I can’t wait to kiss, your amazing smile that lights up my world, your  flat yummy tummy, and your wondrous personality. I love them all. I love you, but you love her. Why wouldn’t you? She’s beautiful. She’s perfect. I am anything but that. You two belong together. I know that, yet it still hurts. I am happy for you though. You deserve so much better than me. You are all I ever think about. You are all I ever dream about. You make me smile so big just hearing your name and, even hours after you leave I have trouble not smiling. I’ll give you anything to see that smile. I’ll do anything for you to remain being there. All I need is your friendship. All I want is your love and happiness. I want to be the one to give it to you. All I am though is a burden. I know you hate me even though you say you do not. I know you hate everything I do even though you say you don’t want me to stop. I know you know that I love you. I know you don’t care. As long as I can see your smile I can go on with this knowledge. It will be hard, but my love for you is too strong to just let go. Trust me I’ve tried.

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