Sally - Age 5 (TITW)

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She came into the kitchen and watched her mother cook. She stood there in the middle of the kitchen and waited for her mother to notice her. She loved her mother's cooking, and she wanted her mother to teach her how to cook just as lovely. Sally wanted to cook for her mother and father just like they cook and do stuff for her.

Sally had forgotten to feed their cat that morning, so when Sally's mother picked up the pot of boiling hot water and noodles, she needed to separate the noodles from the water, their cat rubbed up against the mother's leg, a sigh that said he wanted to be feed right then and there. The mother, not seeing her child nor the cat, tripped over the hungry kitty making the boiling hot water and some noodles spill from the pot and on to the frightened child. The water burned Sally's skin and she passed out from the pain. The shocked mother, thinking she had killed her only baby, was not in her right mind. She took her her beloved daughter into her arms and carried her to her neighbors backyard where she buried her alive. 

When they asked where she was, she told them that poor Sally had never come home from school. They all believed her for nobody loved that child more than she had, and after a month the police had given up hope. The mother never spoke of Sally again until she had become pregnant. She named the child Sally, and some say that she actually believed the new Sally was the other original one.

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