I Know How It Starts

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You can say I am selfish. You can say I am a btch. I do not care though because neither do you. You say I am closer to you than most, but I do not think that you realize exactly what you do. You tell me I do not think before I act. Most of the time that is true. Though what I forgot to tell you was that you do it too. You ask me why I dislike her. I could tell you many a reason. What would that fix though? You are not listening. You do not care what I think. Why then are you so close to me? Am I that desperate for a friend? You obviously have many waiting to replace me. So why do I stick around? I could have replaced you. You told me not to. You knew. You told me you disliked them. I understood. I fixed it, yet you do not seem to care. That is fine. I can move on. You do not seem to notice now, but you are tearing us apart. 'Tis just as it was three years ago. Except now I am not there to stop it. I am not even sure I want to stop it now. The last time I had given up right before you opened your eyes, but I cannot see you opening them again.

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