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I woke up this morning with a headache haunting my peace. I had gotten up earlier than usual and decided against getting ready for school just yet. 

I left my room which is right next to the stairs leading down to the living room and kitchen. I was going to head down to see if I could scavenge some breakfast for myself when my eyes noticed something awfully strange; the staircase was covered in some black coating. On closer inspection, It looked like hair or fur to be exact. I decided not to think about it and blamed the dog. Even though, looking back, there was enough fur on that staircase to outweigh our dog 3 times over. 

I reached down the stairs now with pants covered in what I thought was dog hair. Entering the kitchen, I asked, “Mom, What is with all the Fur on the staircase?” There was no one there.

Mom always said that she always wakes up hours before everyone else in the house. Evidently, that was not true. Then I remembered something. Mom had very extensive knowledge of early morning Programs. I decided to go to her room and check on her. Just to make sure everything was all right. 

Just as I was about to leave the kitchen, I noticed something glimmering from the corner of my eye; Some liquidy substance shining on top of the kitchen counter. I went closer to see what it was and striking fear into my heart, the liquid was red. ‘Is this blood?’ I thought to myself.

The idea that mom might have cut herself scared me. I ran to her room and barged inside kicking the door open, “Mom!” She wasn’t there and neither was Dad. ‘Where are they?’ I thought to myself.
I decided to run back up to check on my little Sister. Her room was right next to mine. 

As I ran, I slipped and fell into the piled-up fur on the staircase. Now I was covered head to toe with it. It was surprisingly sticky. I did not have time to worry about that though, I had to check on my sister. I tried to open her room’s door but it was locked. I started to punch and kick onto the door to get her attention but she would not answer.

It was then, “Bang!” A huge noise came from downstairs. It sounded as if it came from the kitchen. This scared me to the core. I became dead silent. Then I heard loud footsteps as if someone wanted me to know that they were coming for me. I tried to not make another sound and slowly crawled into my room. I slowly started opening the door of my room “Creee!” The door made a huge creaking noise. 'That damn old door!' I thought to myself. The sound of footsteps stopped and nearly so did my heart. I quickly went into my room and not knowing what to do I took my blanket, rolled it around me and hid underneath the bed. Maybe the idea was to look like rolled-up clothes.

For a solid 5 minutes, there was no sound but then some sort of liquid touched my foot. Its stench was unbearable and it was quickly reaching up to my face. When It came close enough, I saw that it was red like blood. It was at this point I had given up on life. All I could think of was how I was going to die. Hoping that it is quick and painless. 

Then “Ahhhhhhh!” It was Mom’s voice! 'She is alive and she is in danger,' I thought to myself underneath the bed, “I have to do something” I quickly crawled out from underneath my bed. There was a large bag laying on the floor. It was leaking the same red liquid. I ran out of the room to my mothers' voice, jumping over the bag which I then noticed was also the cause of the unbearable smell.

“AHHHHHHH!” This time it was Dad's voice and it came from downstairs. I turned towards the stairs and to my surprise, the fur was gone. The place was spotless as if someone had cleaned it with bleach. 

I had no time to stand and ponder, I had to find Mom and Dad. Once again, the house was empty. I headed towards their bedroom. The door was still open from me kicking it open earlier. 

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