The journey begins (Rayla)

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Rayla's P.O.V. ¨

As the sun rays hit my face, I wake up. Now was the day that I would, begin my journey to meet Callum after all those years we will finally meet. And only us two, no one else.

I walked out to the throne room of the Dragon Queen and Zym. I bowed down and reported that I will depart now. Gave Zym a hug and walked out. 

I grabbed my stuff and began to climb down The Storm Spire. The sun was shining bright over the hundred of kilometers of land, (American measures are stupid) as I was walking down. Memories of the first time I was heading up, with Callum and Ezran, began to flow. 

I chuckled, it was so long ago. 

I came to the spot where me and Callum kissed, right in front of Ez. UGH, I still can't believe we did that!  

Guess it didn't matter at that time. We were just happy that we didn't suffocate, and you know in love. Wow, here comes the feelings AGAIN. 

Just when I came down the last steps, my eyes immediately spotted Ethari. I began to run towards him, and gave him a bear hug. 

Since Runaan death has Ethari lived alone, with the grief of the death of his spouse and the disappointment of me. But after we cleared all things up, we forgave each other and try to function as a family again. 

Even if there was not much of a family left. Only us two, out of five

But hey, maybe our family will grow someday, somehow. Who knows. 

"Are you ready?" Ethari asked

"Yeah, let's go." 

"I missed you, you know." 

"Me too" I answered while not making eye contact.  

We both got onto the Shadowpaw, and began our journey to a little cabin my parents used to own, that we used to go to before they left for the dragon guard. 

I remember that we went there every time we could. As long as I remember. 

And after they left, I came to the cabin with Runaan and Ethari. I wasn't as often I would like, but it was still fun, we had pickings, went on long walks and other fun stuff. 

But after all these things that happened the night, King Harrow, was killed. 

Everything got even darker and sadder. But then I meet Callum, Ezran and Zym and well... the rest is history. But there are still wounds that haven't healed, the trust I had for Ethari is gone. I understand that he was mourning the death of the love of his life. But still, there were like real parents to me, and I was like a daughter to them. It doesn't hurt as much, but the scar is still there, and it will never go away. 

The cabin was a few hours traveling from my village, so we needed to cross The Midnight Dessert and then head to my village. Where me and Callum agreed to meet before heading to the cabin together.  

And that's how the journey begins where I and Callum will finally will reunite. 

Authors Note: 

Remember when I said that I will update weekly, ...

Yeah, not gonna happened. I will update when I have the will to do that. Soo yeah. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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