Last day at Katolis

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Callums POV.

This was the day, the last one before I would go on a journey to meet Rayla. Rayla.... Huh, it really has been that long. Six long years without seeing her face, holding her in my arms, and just goofing around without a care in the word. Just the thought about her gives me the warmest feeling.

Okay, Callum that's enough, you should get out of bed and begin to do your job.

I walked in the throne room where Ezran was sitting. "Good morning, Ez"
"Morning Callum, are you ready for your trip?"
"Totally, just have to finish my tasks for today and I pack for tomorrow"
"Good to hear brother, can I ask you for one favor?"
"Anything, Ez"
"When you make it to the Moon Nexus, can you give this letter to Lujanne?"

Ezran gives his letter, I can see that the scroll has many pages in it. I immediately get curious what's written in the letter, but I hold the question back. It is his own business after all.
"Consider it done" I chuckle

I leave the throne room as Soren walks past me.
And right before the heavy throne rooms doors closes, I hear Ezran saying "Soren I have a imported task for you"

I wonder what the task was. I thought to myself as I walked the corridors of the castle.

And there I was at the place I first meet Rayla. It's funny that when we first meet she almost killed me, and now we are together and I love.

I even believe that we can build a family one day, me, Rayla and one to three little ones. Yeah, that would be nice.

I walked in to the Crow Masters room where he was talking to his crows.
"Hrm, Crow Master, I have some messages I need you to send to the Kingdom of Durren"
"Ofc, I will do this right away" he answered.
"Thanks, have a good day"
"You too"

I was now headed to the bakery where I got some fresh jelly Tarts. I did this every afternoon, sins I came back to Katolis.

Those jam filled pastries was the highlight of some gloomy days, cuz first when you set your teeth into the crust and the sweet berry jam. It feels like your in heaven.

No wonder Ezran is addictive to these things.

As I ate my lunch, began I to read a book called 'love amongst dragons', the story was intriguing, and I remember when my mom used to the read this as my bedtime story. Ah the memories of the old time.

After I ate, I headed to my room so I could pack my stuff for tomorrow. I still couldn't believe that I will finally see Rayla, after so many years. My heart began to pound as if it would jump out of my cheats.

Lets see what do I need? My sketchbooks, clothes, food (ofc), a map and my mother's ring.

Suddenly I heard a birds scream. It was a special magical message bird that could bring any letter in one day. And as fahr I knew it was only me and Rayla who used them.

Her last letter came to me, because after this one we will finally talk to each other face to face.

I opened the letter and read it, till I fell asleep.

Authors note...
Hello readers,
So I know this chapter is a bit different then the first one and that is because chapter one was an experiment. But know that I have got a hang of this, will the chapters from now on be more detailed and fleshed out.

I will try to update every weekend, tho it's more likely that it will be every second who knows. 🤷‍♀️

Goodbye, have a nice day, and don't let Corona bitte you.

Rayllum EternalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora