Because of you

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We all woke up at 5:00 AM and left for our homes. Indy dropped me to my home. I got my school bag ready and had a shower later. I wore a over sized grey hoodie with light blue color pants and black sneakers. Indy was coming to picking me up as my car had not been repaired yet. I made myself a sandwich and gave some dog food to Smiley. I heard a car pull over at my home, so I went out as I knew that it was going to be Indy. But it was not her. It was Caleb's car. He came out of the car.

"Hey." I greeted him still being confused.


"So, what brought you here?"

"Indy texted me that she won't be able to pick you up as her car had no petrol. She left with Jessy and I came to pick you." 

"Ohk fine." I said while closing the door. I sat into the car and left for school. We reached school with few minutes as he was driving at 120 speed and that was giving me goosebumps. It felt like I was in a roller coaster. I said him many times to drive slow but he wouldn't listen.

" Thanks for giving me a free roller coaster ride." I said and walked in to the school.

" Anytime." He said and suddenly his phone buzzed and after reading the message, he seemed upset about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He said.

"Oh! Come on! I know that you got some text for someone which made you upset." I said.

"No, its actually nothing."

"Oh, so your still willing to pretend like nothing happened. Ok fine, as you wish. Bye." 

I had been two weeks since I did not go to school. Everything seemed fresh. I felt that I was coming to this school for the first time. The noise of the class rooms, the slow fragrant of the flowers and everything else seemed amazing.

My first class was Biology so I went to the locker and got my books. I saw Indy sitting in the class.

" Hey, I am really sorry that I couldn't pick you up." she said.

" No, its fine." 

We just had this much conversation and then Mr. Alexander entered the class. He thought us about Bacteria's and all.

The bell rang after 45 minutes. It was basically sports class but Mr. Liam hadn't come today to school, so it was a free period for us. We could roam and do whatever we want to. Me and Indy decided to go to the library as it was the best place to talk something.

We talked for a while and then the bell rang. It was lunch. We went to the table where Logan, Lucas, Caleb and Jessy were sitting. We talked for a while and then suddenly, Caleb got up and started walking some where and  after a little time Jessy had got up and started following him. I felt that there was some thing wrong with them so, I followed them to. They went to a place where no one really went. It was a library which had been burned in an accident few years back and no one really went there. There was something fishy going on. They went inside the library and the next thing that I saw is.

Jessy kissing Caleb. Caleb hold her waist pulled her near. She started kissing his neck. I could hear his breathes till where I was standing. She pulled his shirt out. He started kissing her neck. Everything seemed so impossible. They closed there eyes and kissed again. His hand went all down to her waist and pulled her top out within a second. She nibbled his lips. I saw there tongues touching each other. This broke my heart. I thought he really liked me but no he didn't. Tears started falling out of my eyes. I saw Jessy about to remove his pants too and before anything could have I walked in to the room.

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