Chapter Eight: Remembering

Start from the beginning

"Family of Four Gone Missing"

Under the headline was a photo of the family. Two adults and two children. The line under it read, 'Samantha Smith, Richard Smith, Bailey Smith, and Toby Smith have gone missing from their small home in the woods of Brighton.' The Toby kid looked really familiar. I suddenly gasped. I lowered the newspaper and looked at Tubbo. I looked back at the newspaper. Toby is Tubbo, the missing kid.

"Toby?" I asked him, double checking my suspicions. The bee boy looked up, stunned. He looked at the newspaper in my hands. His face dropped into a frown, like he was sad.

He dropped whatever he was holding and grabbed the newspaper from my hands. "D-don't touch my stuff!" He said holding the papers close to his chest. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Tubbo- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" I said standing. He looked at the papers. He looked at his family. He ran forward and hugged me.

"I-I don't wa-nt you to-to diss-a-pear too!" The shorter boy cried into my shirt. I was surprised. He had never hugged me before. I hugged him back, attempting to comfort him. 'Why did his family disappear?' I thought to myself. He sniffled and pushed me back a little bit. He wiped his eyes and turned back to his closet.

Tubbo pulled a bee plush from his closet. It was rectangular, like a Minecraft bee. He handed it to me. The plush was fairly clean compared to the house. Tubbo went and grabbed the bee plush from his bed. "Twinsies!" He giggled, showing me the second plush. I smiled and nodded.

"Twinsies." I mumbled in agreement with a sigh, looking down at the plush.

~Back to the Present~

We had some pretty good times. My mind wandered to the bee plush. I wonder what my parents did with it. Tubbo hummed a song as he started twisting a flower crown of white roses. He didn't seem to mind the thorns of the stems. I still wonder what happened to Tubbo's family. I looked at him. He was off in his own world, twisting flowers and mumbling to his bees. 

-Tubbo's Point of View-

I continued humming a song I vividly remember. I can't remember all of it, or why I even remembered it, but it was something about jumping in a Cadillac. I have a love-hate relationship with the song. 

I tried to distract myself from everything. I had started to remember random things once Tommy and I were taken to the foundation. Being in the forest made for plenty of distracting things to do. But once I was put into a small box with nothing but flowers, my bees, and Tommy, I have too much time to think. I thought back to my parents and my sister. I missed them so much. Even before I was taken by the Foundation. I never told Tommy about my family. I never told anyone. It was too hard to think about sometimes.


I walked around my house, leaves crunching under my feet. I had decided to go be by myself for a little bit. Since the house is out in the middle of nowhere, I could just go outside whenever I felt like it. I suddenly heard cars driving up to the front of the house. This was strange because no one really ever came out to these parts of the forest. I peeked around the corner. There were three black vans with tinted windows in our tiny driveway. Two of them had blocked our garage and the other was just sitting there. I kept hidden, not wanting to get kidnapped. Suddenly, a bunch of people in tactical gear rushed out of the car. They were wearing black and grey with a strange logo on their shoulders and chest. They started yelling things like SWAT units did in the shows. They started circling the house.

I ran into a small crawlspace my sister and I had found. It was just small enough not to be seen when going in, and just big enough on the inside to sit. I heard the heavy stomping of boots and yelling above me. I began shaking in fear, wondering what these people were doing at my house. I then heard more yelling above me. It was my sister.

"Let go of me you PRICKS!" She screamed. It sounded like she was struggling until a door loudly shut and her screams stopped. I froze, realizing my sister had just been abducted. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith, you have both violated Foundation rules," said a mans voice, "you know what happens now." My mom began crying and I heard my dad trying to comfort her.

"Load 'em up." Said the man gruffly. I heard more doors shut. I listened as the vans drove off. I was able to get out of my hiding spot just in time. Just in time to see the symbol once again. It was like a circle with three arrows on it. I stood in my driveway, speechless. I didn't know what to do. So I crumpled to my knees and cried. 

~Back to the Present~

I had gone to the police that day after hours of walking. However, people with that same logo entered the police station and I panicked. I ran back home, making sure to stay off main roads. The strange people came back, but I stayed hidden for days. After a few weeks, they stopped coming to the house. 

That's when I discovered the bee farm my parents had in our strangely large shed. I had always know we had many bees around the property, but I could never figure out why. I watched them for a few weeks, until one stung me. The stinger didn't come out and the bee even seemed... sorry? Then the story just goes from there.

And now I'm in custody of the same people who took my parents and left without a trace. I sighed and placed the half-done crown on the grass. Tommy looked at me as I laid back. He scooted closer to me. He sat crisscross as he looked over me. "You good man?" He asked. I sighed.

"Tired." I mumbled quietly. He nodded. I could tell he didn't believe me, but he just wanted me to be happy. He'd probably ask later. The room darkened as the fake sky's stars began to sparkel. Tommy laid down next to me.

"Goodnight big man." He mumbled, closing his eyes. I hummed in response. I turned over and closed my eyes. I thought about how each day was going to be like the next until I drifted off into sleep.

A/N: Sorry for not updating! I've been trying to come up with ideas for the next chapters, but I'm drawing blanks. So y'all are just gonna have to be on a "cliff-hanger" until I can get my shit together and make a decent story line. Anyways, remember to drink water and eat today! 

Goodnight loves!

EDIT: Almost forgot this- Thank you guys for 2.6k reads and 132 upvotes! I've been loving all the support and feedback on this book, so thank you for boosting my self-confidence a bit! (also. for some reason i look at this book sometimes and wonder how I passed honors English last year)

(btw, this story was written quickly as an apology for the lack of updates and has been barely looked over... so yeah, there might be mistakes in here that i'm too lazy to fix...)

(It's 10:30PM over here. I should sleep.)

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