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"Are you freaking kidding me?!" With a shock tone she glanced to her best friend Nick. He was a very nice man; he's a 6ft tall and had a tan skin, with a combination of bluish- greenish eyes; he's the Mr. Perfect of their batch and most girls liked to be with him except to his best friend Nikki.

"You know I never kid" with a low voice answered Nick. "I'll be leaving soon, about a week or two." he stared at Nikki. She is the Ms. Perfect of their batch; her popularity is unbelievable, guys with loved to be with her and girls wanted to be like her.

Nikki and Nick we're BFF's since the day they wear diapers. Coincidentally, they both have the same birthdate, they grew in the same village and their families we're really closed. They both have the biggest opposites, some would say they really we're perfect for each other but they would just laugh to it. For them, they will never be more than BFF. They treat each other as siblings, Nikki and Nick doesn't find any attraction from one another which makes them comfortable. But the difference between other BFF into theirs was; they sometimes don't want to hang out together.

"Why so sudden?" asked Nikki. Actually, I'm used to be left alone by Nick because I know he'll come back but about his leaving? I can't handle it!

"Dad and Mum have planned to set another Branch of our Business in New York, and besides opportunities comes once in a lifetime that's why they grab it!" explained Nick.

"New York? It is like a thousand miles away. Are you coming back, aren't you?" asked Nikki with a tone of doubt.

"Yes, but I don't know when maybe five years or more." respond by him. He doesn't want to go, but for the sake of their business he has no choice. Family is still important.

"Well, It's alright even though you're there you still communicate with me right my BFF?!" teased by Nikki.

"Ah! Let's see, maybe? I don't know. HAHAHAHAHA!" teased by him. "Don't worry, you'll never be replaced and we still live here, we'll just stay there for a little while."

"I know! That's why I'm not worried." said Nikki. How could I be worried? We used to be far even though we're best friends.


Two weeks after (Departure Time)

Hey! Big head, try to write me ok?!" teased by Nikki. "You don't have a mailbox shorty!" Nick teased her back.

"Don't worry Nikki, we'll send you mails. I already talked to your Mum and she said it's alright!" said by Nick's mom.

"Don't sweat for it Tita!" answered Nikki.

The flight bound to New York is now on board, calling the passengers to get going...

"So this is it Nikki, no teardrops okay?!" smiled Nick as he glances to Nikki one last time. "Who told you that I will put a tear when you leave? Don't you know I'm strong and I can manage myself big head!" smiled Nikki.

"Hey Tita, always remind Nikki to cut her nails, brush her teeth, wash her face and not burp! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" called Nick to Nikki's mom.

"Don't worry Nick I will." responded by Nikki's mom.

The flight bound to New York is now on board, calling the passengers to get going...

"Okay honey, we'll get going see you 10 years after." bid by Nick's dad. "Wait what?! 10 years after?! Tito?!" asked Nikki with a frowned face.

"I'm really not sure Nikki, but we'll give you an update, after all you're like our daughter." answered Nick's dad.

"See you then Nikki." bid Nick.

He hugged and kissed her on her forehead, he also gave her the most precious pendant Nick ever had. Nikki still on shocked knowing that her best friend will be gone for 10 years. What If they'll never see each other again? What if Nick will find a new best friend? What if? They we're only 15 years old and when they'll see each other again, they will be in their 20's.

As Nikki watched the airplane fly, she just smiled and cried. She didn't notice that she's crying until her mom and dad hugged her and wiped her tears.


The first three years were so fine about the communication between her and Nick,  but when the fourth year came it suddenly changed. Nikki hasn't receive dany mails from Nick, she's wondering why? Then telling herself that may be Nick was just busy to write. She wrote him but got no reply. Nikki then suddenly begun to wonder.

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