Maybe it was a bad idea to provoke my father when he mentioned Seokjin. I only just found out that Seokjin's been using me, dangling me in front of my father to get him to back off. Somehow, I just knew that he knows about the abuse that occurs between my father and I. It scared me more than anything—the fact that Seokjin knew. And that he wasn't going to let it go.

"Yumi, you little—" my father took a step towards me and just as I waited for another blow, the door suddenly opened.

Both our eyes went towards the door and to my horror, Seokjin was standing there. For once, he wore a blank expression.

"Seokjin," my father said, nervously.

Seokjin smiled but it didn't touch his eyes. "I'm here to get my wife. She left without a word."

I looked away from him as his eyes came towards me. Did he hear everything? Does he now know how twisted my father is? That I'm the daughter of a twisted man like him? It disgusts me. So. Much.

"I didn't expect to see her on the floor though."

"I learnt that Yumi's been misbehaving and not acting like a proper wife," my father apologised. "I felt the need to discipline her. It's nothing big, so you don't need to worry."

"Says who?"

Before I know it, Seokjin had pulled me up like I weighed nothing at all. My whole body was sore and I felt like crying. I don't cry—especially when my father hits me. I've learnt that tears made him hit me even more. He thrives on it.

"Yumi's the best wife any one can ever ask for," Seokjin told my father before saying, "We'll be leaving now."

Then he dragged me out of my father's office and down the hallway towards where the entrance was. Before I could even ask him why he was here, Seokjin took off his hoodie and slipped it over me, pulling the hood up. No doubt it was to hide the bruises on my face.

I didn't say a single word as Seokjin drove us back towards the dorms. When he parked the car, I got out of the car and walked towards the house, ready to go to my room and cry. The humiliation and frustration I felt was too much for me to keep pretending that it's not affecting me.

I didn't make it far into the house before Seokjin grabbed my elbow and pulled me towards him.

"Let go!" I yelled.

"Not a chance," he muttered before dragging me towards the lounge and forcing me to sit on the couch, facing him.

"Let go," I snapped, using my free hand to shove his hand off me. It didn't work.

"Are you going to sit still if I let go?"

"Yes." No. No freaking way.

Seokjin's eyes studied mine for a few seconds and then he let go. I waited for a few seconds before leaping off the couch and ran towards my room. I didn't think I'd beat Seokjin but I tried anyways. Seokjin easily grabbed hold of me and before I could even blink, I was suddenly lifted and on his shoulder.

Seokjin made his way towards the fridge and I heard him open and closed it as he was grabbing for something. I couldn't see what it was.

I hit his back as Seokjin turned around and began walking away from the kitchen, hissing, "What are you doing?"

That's when I saw the members rounding the corner and I saw their eyes wide as they took us in. I kept trying to push myself off Seokjin even though that wasn't working at all.

I heard a door opening and then I glanced over Seokjin's head to see that we were heading into his room.

My eyes widened. "What the—"

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