Chapter 4

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"What did you just say?" I asked, eyes wide at the news.

Seokjin was standing against the door frame, eyes on me. "Come watch our performance."

I narrowed my eyes, not bothering to hide how suspicious that sounds. "Why?"

"You don't want to?"

I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it. Why was he being so nice to me? Usually he'd just tell me to stay backstage where I can't see anything. Does he want me close by so he can keep an eye on me? I could easily make things hard for him but I decided that I don't have the energy.

I glanced outside the window and saw that the rain wasn't going to stop any time soon. I ran out of ice cream too so maybe seeing their performance will be better than moping around and trying to block out the noise.

"Okay," I agreed, nodding.

"I need to go get ready," Seokjin told me, straightening himself. "I won't see you at all until the concert is over."

I already know that so I didn't need him to tell me. I've been with them for almost a year now and I never see Seokjin until late or the next morning. I always end up falling asleep early too. That's how busy Seokjin and the members are.


Seokjin didn't move and studied me for long a time to the point where I had to say something. I didn't like the awkward silence to hang around us any longer.


"I don't know you."

"You don't," I mumbled, confused.

"You don't know me."

"I... don't," I replied slowly.

Seokjin smirked and then left my room, leaving me with questions that will never be answered.


"This is new," Yoongi murmured.

Seokjin lifted his eyes and Yoongi jerked his chin towards where Yumi was sitting and drinking her soda. He knew what Yoongi meant. Seokjin usually keep Yumi away on the days of their actual performances.


"So," Yoongi sat down on the sofa with Seokjin. The two got their makeup and hair done already so they were just waiting up on the other members before they head for their quick meeting before the concert. "I'm wondering if this means you'll finally give her a chance."

Seokjin snorted. "What?"

"Who knows," Yoongi reached for a bottle of water and taking a drink, "you might even end up liking her."

"Not possible."

"I don't know what the deal is between the two of you," Yoongi said, "But I'm hoping you will give her a chance. She's really not that bad. A little quiet and cautious around us but other than that, she's a nice girl." He took a sip of water and then smirked, "Sometimes she snaps at us when we approach but overall, a good girl."

Seokjin didn't need Yoongi to tell him that because he knows it already. Although Yumi's father is a snake, she wasn't like him at all. Seokjin's noticed how Yumi's expression changes every time her father is mentioned. He knew she hated her father—he just doesn't know why. He may be the reason why Yumi hates men and is always on alert every time they're near her.

"I gotta protect my family," Seokjin muttered, reaching for his phone and checking the time.

"Yeah," Yoongi agreed. "You do that but don't go hurting other people in the process."

Before Seokjin could reply, Yoongi stood up and glanced down at him, "You've always been smart, hyung. It's not like you to be doing dumb $hit like this with her." He held up a hand as Seokjin open his mouth to argue, saying, "We'll always support you with every decision that you choose to make. Me especially. I will always support you and bear the burdens of being one of the eldest here but," he dropped his hand, his tone low, "I don't want to support you when you're making the wrong decision since I know it'll hurt me and the others to watch you like this. Be smart."

Yoongi turned and left, leaving Seokjin to his thoughts. He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a sigh.

Even though Yumi and Seokjin have been married for almost a year now, she's loved and cared for by the members. At first, they were cautious around her, aware that Seokjin was forced to marry her. They were careful around her, polite and kind but careful. Yumi? Well, she made it clear she doesn't like anyone associated with Seokjin. Seokjin doesn't know when it happened since she's always so tense around them but eventually, they came to love her and take care of her whenever Seokjin isn't around. She came to speak nicely to them too even though it's a little stiff and awkward at times.

He didn't like it because her father's blackmailing his father but even though the members know about it, they still accept her. The details of the blackmail—only Seokjin knows... the members don't. He'd like to keep it that way.

Seokjin's eyes went to Yumi who was no longer sitting where he could see her. He immediately got to his feet and rushed out of the room, searching for her. As he passed the staff members, they told him they've not seen her and this made him frustrated since he needed to know where she was. The last thing he wanted was for someone to recognise her.

As Seokjin passed the area where he could hear the fans' voices, something made him walk towards the sounds of their chants and voices. It was like he knew Yumi was going to be there... and he was right.

He could see Yumi holding onto the curtains, curiously looking at the fans even though they couldn't see her.

Quietly, Seokjin made his way towards Yumi who was so immersed in the voices of their fans that she didn't hear him approach.

Seokjin lowered his head, "What are you doing?" he murmured in her ear.

Yumi jerked back, hitting his chest. Seokjin placed his hands on her hip to steady her before letting go. She glanced up at him, her eyes widening in awe, "There's so many of them."

"Well, yeah."

To his surprise, Yumi's face broke into a smile, making Seokjin's heart skipped a beat at the sight of it. Not only was Yumi frustratingly beautiful in every damn way, her smile was beautiful too. He rarely see her smile... especially not from this close. He was mesmerised by her smile and kept his eyes glued on her.

Yumi was oblivious to Seokjin's staring because she'd turned back to the fans once more. "Whoa," she grinned. "Look at how pretty the lights are!"

"The ones holding the lights are prettier," Seokjin said, clearing his throat.

Hearing this, she turned back and grinned at him, making it hard for him to breathe. Then she turned her attention towards the crowd once more, her face settling on a soft smile. For the first time since he married her, her face softened and gentled. It looked really good on her too.

"Lucky you," she whispered. 

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