| Chapter Two |

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     The throne room was in a flurry of hushed voices as Catrain sat in utter confidence despite the whispers of her court. Beside her was an empty throne. Her husband wasn't there to silence the chatty group nor to be of aid to her if she got too exhausted due to stressing and pregnancy combined. 

     For the past months, it had been like this. The court spreading rumours amongst themselves and no Helias to be seen. Catrain's family who resided in the Dnuages castle with Helias' family had come to visit after some of the rumours reached them. The utter pity and condescending looks thrown her way was frustrating. She didn't need members not even from her immediate family looking down on her and telling her "I told you so" without any proof that confirmed any of those rumours.

     "I'm telling you, that dirty peasant has King Helias wrapped around her finger." One of the women of the court told another.

     The woman with silver hair scoffed in return, "I'd be damned if he is. Her Majesty is so much better than whatever that thing is. Her Majesty is like air and snow personified. On the other hand, that woman looks as if she grew up in manure. He'd be utterly vacuous to even think of being unfaithful to Queen Catrain."

     None of the rumours was ill-willed towards her. All were bashed towards Josie and Helias. Everyone had loved her just as they had to her father and mother, her father's parents and so on, so forth. To them, she was a treasure to all of the lands under her sovereignty. She was the very symbol of peace that brought humans, witches, wizards, sorcerers, fae, ogres, orcs, and other magical creatures together. Her very kingdom held so many different types of beings that lived together without much trouble. So they would never spit upon her name. 

     Even if it wasn't her name, she couldn't help but grow irritated. Especially if they spoke on Helias in such a degrading way. He would do nothing of the sort. He loved her too much, she was sure of it. That woman, however, she could care less for but it was still rude.

     "Lady Marie Gard, do not speak of those in a lower standing than you in such a way. 'Peasant' is such a demeaning term. In my kingdom, we appreciate those lower than us. If you do not wish to show at least some respect to them, I could only guess you would need to join them and be stripped of the Baroness title— Which I would hate to do to your family. Lady Gothel Taper, do not ever think of insulting my husband." Catrain spoke up, her voice causing the room to go silent.

     Her face was cold and her words even more so. There wasn't a peak of volume in it. No yelling, not even a seeth. Yet they conveyed so much power. 

     The women she directed her words to felt as if their life was ruined. They had displeased her. If they had not spoken, they wouldn't have felt their hearts turn to shreds. Therefore, they knew they deserved it. 

     "Apologies, Your Majesty." They hurriedly said at the same time. 

     Catrain suppressed a sigh as everyone eyes her in concern. She held a hand above her stomach and stood up. Her movement caused Reena to scramble onto her feet. Before the fair-skinned woman could speak, the queen held up a hand to silence her and made her exit. 

     Reena hurried after her, deciding to speak once they were out of the throne hall. "Catrain, what's wrong?" She questioned.

     "So much hearsay. So little evidence. How could they think Helias would ever do such a thing? It's clear they have no faith in their own king. I find it rather disappointing." She confessed, finally releasing her pent up sigh.

     The lady-in-waiting gave her superior a look of scepticism. She grew up right by her side and knew her like the back of her hand. Reena was basically her shadow. She knew everything, seen everything, heard everything Catrain did. There was no escaping when she began to catch onto something relating to the poor queen.

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