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[3] 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫


      Days had passed since the tragic night Hyunjin allowed his thought to eat him alive. Although nothing similar has happened on these weeks, the annoying memory remain perfectly framed at the back of his mind, haunting his every night as he would woke up with a scream, alerting his roommate that something was wrong, but the pinkett would only dismiss it as a night terror before laying back down on his cold bed…cold, just like everything had become between the freckled boy and the visual. Before, Hyunjin could recall the times Felix would arrive at each of their rooms with tears falling down his back then chubby cheeks. He would resemble a small kid, hugging his pillow tightly as he stood at the frame of the door as small hiccups escaped his trembling lips…just so vulnerable.
The first time he had arrived at Hyunjin’s room the latter was shocked. The usually hyped and hyperactive Lee he knew was reduced to such a soft and trembling mess, which caused his heart the ache at the sight.
For the first time that winter night, Hyunjin allowed someone to hug him all night while he sobbed on his chest, retelling the nightmare that almost seemed comical to the older.

However, now those nights of them just enjoying each other’s company were cut short. Felix would no longer arrived at his room to cuddle with him, but instead would latch himself at Chan, who would gladly embrace the smaller with an almost mocking smile to Hwang.

Their talks were no longer available since Chan would be there to listen always.

His hugs were no longer there, for the time Hyunjin allowed his jealousy to get the best of him and pushed the younger away when he most needed that consolation…a decision that he still regrets.

But now all he could do was sigh as he observed the breeze gently moving the leaves of the trees that surrounded the path of the park they were currently at. It was their free day, and Joengin had insisted to visit the playgrounds for weeks. Eventually, they got tired of his constant whining and agreed to go during their free day. It was a relaxing morning for most of them…except the sulking pinkett who observed from the back how his crush would laugh and run around to happily with who he had begun to despise slightly.
Hyunjin did not understand what the two Australians would talk about, because they were so ahead from them while he was at the back of their group. But what the pinkett did notice, was the way Felix would hold Chan’s hand tightly like he did not want the older to go away. He could take it, he knew how touchy Felix was, and the constant need for affection was another factor that was both the cause of his happiness and doom. But what made Hyunjin the angriest, was watching how Chan would place his arm around his shoulder, whispering words on Lee’s ear that would bring a small blush to his cheeks. It annoyed him to no end, but he could do nothing more than glare and bite his tongue to prevent any insults to be thrown.

Although his mind was boiling with the repressed feeling of anger, the cool temperature of their surroundings caused his body to shiver at the slightest breeze. Hyunjin simply hissed as the poison slowly started to accumulate at the tip of his tongue, wishing to escape their imprisonment so it could attack the only red hair in their group…Hyunjin did not noticed the constant stolen glances a particular member would take from him, worry scribbled on his features as he noticed just how Hyunjin was so ready to explode at any second.

Chan laughed at the joke his dongsaeng had just told him, but the gentle pull at his shirt made the leader glance back at the members, eyeing them slightly as he waited for the person who tugged his shirt to speak, but no one did. Everyone seemed to be on their own small world as they spoke to each other…except for one of the tallest members who remained silently shivering at the very back, which worried Chan, for how long has he been cold? He asked himself, quietly excusing himself from his talk with Felix and approaching Hyunjin, who was now staring deeply at him with an undecipherable look.

“Hyunjin-ah, why didn’t you tell me you were cold?” Chan playfully said, not wanting the younger to feel embarrassed to had been caught. However, Hyunjin was nowhere near embarrassed as Chan would had expected…he simply kept staring at him darkly, the shine behind his eyes turning dim as his eyebrow furrowed just the slightest. Chan did not notice what Minho did, so when he removed one of his jackets and handed it to Hyunjin, the reaction the latter had was not something their leader had expected.

Hyunjin chuckled darkly at Chan’s face, confusing the leader before he felt a strong burning sensation on his hand as the black material, he was previously holding was now laying on the dirty floor. The previously cheery atmosphere that embraced the eight males, was now an eerie cold silence that ripped through their skin and suffocated their lungs as it airs suddenly became heavy and their breathings stop for a second. A small gasp was heard as Chan finally looked down at his jacket, seeing it had fallen on a small poodle of dirty water. He then glanced back at Hyunjin, who held a murdering gaze as his gritted his teeth tightly, his jawline becoming more prominent.

“Hyung…” Joengin whispered, which finally took Chan out of his trance as he observed his hand, the one Hyunjin had slapped away harshly.

“Hyunjin why did you-“

“do you really think I want anything from such an annoying person like you?” Hyunjin rudely interrupted as he crossed his arms and looked down at Chan. The action made Chan angry, but knowing better he remained calm as he spoke once more.

“Hyunjin, why did you-“

“why did I slap it? Good question, why did I do it?” Hyunjin mockingly said as he tried to copy Chan’s vocals. Normally it would be funny to the members, but no one was laughing as they confusingly watch as Hyunjin spoke back to their leader, none of them understanding why…except for Minho, who for days has noticed the sudden change the visual has had.

“Hwang Hyunjin what the fuck!” Felix yelled, which took everyone back as they had not expected the sunshine to lash out. Chan and Hyunjin looked at the smaller with a questioning look, but before anyone could say anything Felix had already marched toward the pair.
“You can’t talk that way to Chan! He is our leader, and he is older, you have to respect him, specially since he has done nothing to earn your rude attitude!” he spoke with utter distaste, the tone further shattering the already damaged heart of Hyunjin. Even if he could feel himself falling apart at each glare, his pride got the best of him as he glared back at the younger.

“shut up! I can talk to whoever I want the way I want! What? Are you defending him because he lets you suck his dick?! Or is it because you like his dick better!? Goddamn it Felix! Stop acting like a fucking dumb-“

Pain, that is all Hyunjin felt as he spoke the poisonous words to the blonde. However, no pain he ever felt before this moment could compare with the stinging feeling on his cheek as he took two steps back from the sudden impact. He attempted to brush his cheek, but just with the slightest touch he could feel as if lava were placed on his skin. He glanced back at Felix; whose previously infuriated expression was replaced by a broken one as tears flowed endlessly down his face.

“What the fuck Hyunjin! You do really think of me as a slut!? Do you think I am just some basic bitch that stays around a man like a fly around trash just because of sex!? Are you hearing yourself!?” the younger exploded. Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, he looked like a fish out of water.
“if that is how you feel about me then why are you still acting like my friend? Just fuck off!” he yelled, finally shattering each part of Hyunjin.

The pinkett felt numb, too many emotions invaded his heart that they eventually forced him to feel nothing. His face returned to his monotone expression, but his own tears fell down his face as he stared at Felix’s eyes.

“…you are right, we should stop being friends. It’s no use trying to explain because you wouldn’t understand” he mumbled with his head low, confusing Felix. “ I don’t think if you that way…Fuck I never even thought of calling you that ever, you are not that Felix, you are beautiful and I’m just a bastard for even calling you that…I’m sorry…let’s break our friendship” Hyunjin looked at the smaller with a broken smile before walking away, not noticing how more tears kept flowing down Felix’s eyes as Chan quickly embraced the younger, whispering reassuring words to calm him down. The leader glanced back to where Hyunjin was as second ago, now completely out of sight and no trace of where he had gone.

“fucking dumbass” Felix yelled on Chan’s shoulder, his cries becoming so loud it gain the attention of the people who would pass by.

Minho observed the two Australians with worry, before running after Hyunjin.

A Sight For Sore Eyes [HYUNLIX]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن