- Chapter Nine -

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Chapter Nine; Hero to... Zero?


"Well? What's your name?"


"That's a shit name, and also the one you used when you tried to beat Dabi up for the first time. I'm just gonna call you Zero."


— Four months later, 3 pm —

You frowned at yourself in the mirror, turning around. "Himiko-Chan? Can you come zip me up?"

"Coming, Y/n-Chan!" Toga called from the next room over, skipping into the room. "Ah! You look so cute!"

"Thank you," you said quietly as your friend began to zip you up. Once she finished, she gave you a friendly peck on the cheek and left.

"L/n! Get your ass down here, you're gonna be late for training with Shigiraki!" Dabi called up the stairs.

"Coming!" You yelled back as you rushed down the stairs, tripping on your way into the training room.

Shigiraki laughed as you pushed yourself up, and you glared at him.

"Woah, I knew you were clumsy but I didn't know you were that clumsy!" He teased, holding out his hand. You rolled your eyes and stood up, pushing his arm out of the way.

"You won't be saying that when I turn you into an ice cube."

"Woah, chill out!"

"And here I was with the thought that you couldn't make any more ice puns if you tried." You grumbled. "Can we start?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're gonna try and get you to make stuff out of your ice because it's practically unbreakable if you hold onto it long enough, and I think that could be useful if you could just bust out an ice sword in the middle of a fight."

"I've never tried making ice that wasn't covering something." You said. "I don't know how I'd be able to make it."

"But you can manipulate it, right? Technically, you could use your own body as an extension of your power. Stop thinking of you and your quirk separately. Use the moisture in the air as a base. I believe in you, L/n. I'm not asking for anything crazy; just an ice cube or something, okay? Don't stress about it."

You closed your eyes and focused on [Your dominant hand], taking a deep breath.

Okay... let's see, how could I pull this off?

"L/n, remember. I'm not asking for a sword right now. I'm asking for something small. Don't stress about it."

Nodding to signal that you had heard him, you took another deep breath. Focusing on your hand, you thought. And thought. And thought.

Suddenly it hit you.

You always had something in you hand.

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