- Chapter Six -

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Chapter Six: What?


"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were this stupid. Step away from my girlfriend or I will be resorted to physical violence. And believe me, that is no empty threat."


"What? You like me?" You asked bluntly, eyes widening in complete surprise.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod it's happening what do I say what's going on-

"God, I knew this was a stupid idea. I don't know why I trusted Todoroki's stupid advice, he's probably never had to confess to anyone befor-" she rambled, pushing herself off of you and interrupting your frantic gay panic.

You cut her off by pulling her in by the loops of her pants, kissing her again, more passionately. After pulling away, you grinned.

"I like you, too, Momo. I have for a while."

"That makes this significantly less awkward, then." She said slyly, pushing you back against the wall with a cocky smirk. "Can I kiss you again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

Her lips connected with yours again, one hand on your hip and one beside your head. Your arms snaked around her neck, tangling in her long black hair and pulling her closer.

After kissing for a while, you pulled back. "It's probably been seven minutes." You muttered softly.

"Yeah. Mina's probably coming to check on us." Momo laughed. "Kiss me again. Please?"

"Since you asked so nicely," You replied coyly, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

Her hand slipped into yours as she pulled herself off of your body, the door opening.

"Hello, ladies! Welcome back to the land of the living." Kirishima joked, opening it the rest of the way.

"My girls!" Mina cheered as you two entered the living room. You both laughed sheepishly, hands intertwined.


After you had left, which was a bit after everyone else had gone, you had given Momo a quick peck on the lips before rushing off to the train station.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you arrived at home.

Your heart fluttered at the name of the person you had received a text from.

Hey. I have a question.

Okay. Shoot.

Do you just want to stay friends?
I want more, but I understand if this is moving really fast for you.
I don't wanna make you uncomfortable-

I want to be more than friends, too.
I really like you, Momo. You're the only person I've really liked like this in a while.

Do you feel like we're moving to fast?
This is me admitting that I am going to take you on a date, btw.

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