3: 'Already?'

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I wake up to my alarm. I roll over and check the time. '6:30 am.' Then, I hear a knock at my door. "Eun, can I come in?" It's Chan. I sit up and turn off my alarm.

"Yep," I say, yawning right after. My door opens and Chan steps in, he's wearing his 'weekend clothes.' Just a basic t-shirt and jeans. "Morning Channie," he rolls his eyes at the nickname. I laugh.

"Morning. Are you ready for today?" he looks out my window, still open from last night, then back at me. I get up and walk over to my mirror to brush my hair out.

"Yeah, we are getting close to the opening date," I put my brush down and start to braid my hair. He walks over to my bathroom and opens the door.

"I didn't check last night, did I break anything in the scuffle?"

"Not that I could tell but, feel free to look," I tie off my first braid and start working on the second one. He pokes his head in.

"Alright nothings damaged," he looks back at me. "Are you okay Eun?" he asks suddenly.

"Yeah, why," I say while focusing on my hair.

"I mean after last night. That was the first time you've ever been seriously in danger." he walks over to me, his face seems worried.

"Yeah, it really wasn't anything I can't handle." I tie off the second braid and look at him. He looks like he doesn't believe me. "I'm okay, I swear." I stand up. He smiles then walks to my door.

"I'll go make breakfast then, scrambled eggs and toast" He looks back at me and I nod then duck into my bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth then head downstairs. My parents are sitting at the table, drinking coffee and tea respectively. I grab a mug and pour myself some coffee.

"Oi, you are too young to be drinking that," I hear my dad say, not so seriously. I roll my eyes and take a sip.

"How'd you sleep Moon?" my mom looks up from her phone.

"Pretty good," I sit across from them. Chan sets a plate with my breakfast. "Thank you Channie," I smile at him, my mom looks at him then down to me.


"I just started calling him that for no reason," I sip more of my coffee.

"Oh, alright," my mom smiles and looks back down at her phone. I eat my breakfast and finish my coffee. I wash the dishes, after arguing with Chan about it.

"Why are you like this," he says grumpily, leaning against the counter next to me with his arms crossed.

"Because I can," I smile and set the dishes on the drying rack. I head upstairs and into my room, shutting the door. I make my bed and get dressed. Then someone knocks on my door. "Yeah," I answer while putting my knife inside my boot this time. My door opens and it's Key. "Hey Key," I say confused.

"Hey, I just wanted to check-in. Sammy told me what happened last night." He leans against my door frame.

"Of course he did. I'm okay. It wasn't anything bad. I had my training and instincts plus your brother." I check my hair in the mirror. Key walks over and hugs me. I was surprised but hugged back. "What's this for?"

"Sammy asked me too, he knew my brother will be around all day so he won't be able to." He lets go of me then steps back, smiling. I tilt my head.

"That's new," I say then remember the end of his text from the night before. 'What has gotten into him lately' I think to myself and check my phone. One email from my contractor.

"Anyway, I'm driving you today so we should get going," Key stands, mocking his brother. But he didn't realize that Chan was right behind him. I look up from my phone and see Chan, slowly walking towards Key. I try not to react.

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