"That monster." Coran muttered.

"What could she possibly need that much energy for?" Pidge asked, her worried eyes never leaving the image above us.

"I don't know, but we need to act immediately. The only way for us to stop then is by going directly to Oriande." Allura answered.

"Then that's what Voltron is gonna do." Keith said as he stood up.

"The Atlas will accompany you. We don't have time to wait for the rest of the Coalition." Shiro stated.

Keith turned to Commander Holt, "Contact Matt, let him know the rebels are gonna be in charge of the evacuation efforts for the occupied planets. They shouldn't expect assisstance."

"Then we are in agreement. It is time we begin our assault on Oriande." Allura concluded.

The conference ended, but as soon as I stood up, I felt an unbearable pain strike through my head. I collapsed to my knees, everything becoming blurred and muffled.

I clawed at my head trying to dig out the pain. But as everything became completely blurred, I saw something flash in front of my eyes.

I heard a loud roar and saw the White Lion of Oriande. He was trapped in a sphere of pure darkness as he cried out in pain.


"Saoirse! Saoirse!" I called out to my girlfriend as she shook in pain on the floor.

All of a sudden, she gasped for breath and opened her eyes, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Saoirse, breathe. Breathe." I said, "Calm down, just breathe."

Slowly, after about a minute or two, Saoirse started breathing normally and wiped away the tears in her eyes.

"Saoirse, you all right?" Shiro asked from behind me.

I helped her stand on her feet, though she was a little shaky when she stood up and grabbed onto me.

"Not really. No." Saoirse said, "We need to get to Oriande. The Guardian is in danger."

"What are you talking about?" Pidge asked.

"The White Lion contacted me a while ago. I think he made a connection with me when we first went to Oriande because of its Teshirian history. I'm afraid his life may be in danger." Saoirse explained.

All of us were shocked. Not only did Saoirse have a connection with some kind of Lion guardian, but she can tell that its in danger. But what kind of reaction was that?

"Saoirse, I think you should stay here." I suggested.

Saoirse pulled away from my hold and looked directly into my eyes.

"I can't. I need to be there." She said, "If Jonerva is doing something to the guardian, as a descendant of those who helped create Oriande, I need to be there to protect it. Please understand."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want her to get hurt. Seeing her in that much pain as she was in a minute ago, it terrified me to down to the core.

We didn't have anymore time to argue, and all of us reluctantly allowed her to go to her Lion to prepare.

As I prepared for the upcoming battle, I kept telling myself that everything would be fine. That after the universe was safe from Honerva, we could all go home. But thoughts of Saoirse crept into my mind.

The thought of her hurt... or worse....

"Is everyone ready?" Allura asked, bringing me back to reality.

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