Chapter 6

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Hey guys, back for a new chapter, it's almost my birthday (Nov 1). I'm turning 14😊

Izuku grabs one of his skateboards (purple one up above) and went to the skate park. As he is riding he meets this girl on her skateboard. Izuku walked up to her and asked for her name and if she is going to the skatepark.
???: Hello my name is Shelby and yes I'm going to the skatepark to meet some friends of mine. Do you want to come and meet them
Izu: sure, btw I'm Izuku

As Shelby and Izuku gets to the skatepark, Shelby gets tackled by someone.
Shelby: Get off of me Sebastian
Sebastian: sorry sis 😔
Shelby: It's okay, anyways call everyone here
Sebastian: Okay
Out of nowhere Sebastian yells at some people to come. Izuku is just standing there looking at the ground.
4 more people came to where they were.
Shelby: Izuku this is Jason, Katelyn, Charlie, and Zach. Everyone this is Izuku
Jason: Hello Izuku
Kate and Charlie: Hi!!
Zach: sup
Izu: Hewo😇
Time Skip (1 month later)
Jason and Izu has gotten closer
Kate and Charlie started dating
Zach and Sebastian is very close
Shelby is flirting with some girl named Jess

Instagram accounts
Izu: Green angel
Jason: Goth Daddy
Kate: KitKate

That's all for today, tomorrow I will explain quirks and just a description on who they are.

That's all for today, tomorrow I will explain quirks and just a description on who they are

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Bye bye❤️

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