"Ma'am, lock yourself at home." The policeman told you once you reached your house. "Don't get out."

You nodded, scared. Through his walkie you could hear another officer calling for help, speaking about more gruesome murders.

"Dan? Dan, you here?"

You called, but he wasn't home, probably he was still working. You tried calling to his mobile phone but he didn't pick up. You tried calling your parents too, hoping your hometown hadn't been hit by whatever illness that was, but they didn't pick up either.

It was hard not to cry, it was hard even to breathe, and you felt like you were having an anxiety attack but tried to overcome it. You heard some knocks on the door and you approached cautiously.

"Y/N? Y/N you here?" You heard the voice of one of your neighbors. "Y/N? Please, please open, please!"

As soon as you opened the door she rushed inside, crying.

"Frank he...he tried to attack me, he was all bloodied up but he came for me, wouldn't stop...he bit me!" She cried out, disgruntled, showing you the horrifying looking wound. "Almost chewed my arm off...he's still at home..."

"Anne, you...you gotta go to the hospital, you're bleeding too much..." You tried to stay strong and not faint at the image of the bloodied wound.

"How, with all those people going insane out there...it's, it's the virus from the tv, right? They said it was contagious...oh god..."

It wasn't being easy to keep calm with another person panicking next to you and you tried to take deep breaths, hoping to feel less light-headed.

"Okay...okay...I'll call an ambulance then."

The line was collapsed or down, though, and the same happened when you tried calling for the police.

"Anne, they're not answering, we have to go to the hospital." You tried again but your neighbor shook her head again, seeming too scared to do anything but flop onto the floor, hugging her knees and shaking.

You brought the first aid-kid and bandaged his wound as tight as possible, hoping it'd help slow the bleeding.

"Alright...then we stay here until the police come for us...okay?"

Anne was beyond answering though, she just shivered and sobbed.

That was the first time you saw someone die. Anne stopped breathing at some point and you didn't know what to do anymore. You'd never been more terrified. Neither your husband nor your parents picked up the phone and the police and hospital were still out of reach.

You tried to get out of the house but ran back in when you saw someone or something eating a corpse. The head of the monster had snapped up when it noticed you and you had run back and locked yourself in.

And then, the most terrifying thing you'd ever endured happened when the corpse of Anne began moving, getting up and growling, making her way to you. It couldn't be real. It couldn't be possible. You were frozen in place in shock and fear and she almost reached you but you came back to your senses on time, running out of the house.

The monster from before wasn't there, luckily, but you could see more of those things roaming around not too far and you sobbed helplessly, not knowing what to do, sure that you'd be the next one to be eaten.

But then you had heard hoofbeats approaching and totally dumbfounded you saw Maggie Greene riding a horse down the street. She stopped next to you.

"Maggie?" You stammered.

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