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This was not how you had expected your day to be

You thought you would take care of the hens, help Patricia on the kitchen while she made lunch, try to ignore how Otis put dead people into the barn, and just help around in the farm until it was time to rest.

Your life wasn't bad, considering the fact that there were corpses roaming around eating people. You had gotten lucky for once, you supposed, being taken in by the Greene's. There weren't monsters in there, and the ones that got too close were taken and locked inside the barn.

You took good care of never calling them monsters or corpses in front of Hershel, though, not after he snapped at you the first time you did, urging him to kill one that had gotten into the farm. It had almost ended with Hershel kicking you out of his land, though Maggie had convinced him otherwise, and you had learned that Hershel considered those monsters not dead people but sick people who needed treatment and needed to be taken care of.

You, on the other hand, couldn't see it like that...you had seen what they had done to the town...


You all had watched the news through the tv, how some kind of virus had spread through quite a few cities, creating murder and chaos, but most people were shrugging it off as something that "happened in the cities, some disease they got there, not here", and some also saying how the news were exaggerating or making it up, though you didn't know with what purpose.

Your husband, Dan, thought like that. You had watched the news with your heart in your throat, scared and worried, but when you had told him, asking him if you should be doing something, getting ready in case the virus reached the town, he had just told you it was almost cute how dumb you were believing everything you saw on tv. Apparently, it was all a number to manipulate you into something, he didn't elaborate, getting tired of your questions and telling you to shut up. You did.

You'd have thought that for a town as small as that, in which nothing ever happened, it'd have started slowly if it started at all...but no. At one moment everything was normal, then everything was a nightmarish, bloody chaos.

You worked as a waitress and had been horrified to witness how an ill-looking man began beating the windows of the small restaurant. When your boss had gone out to drag him away, the man had thrown himself at him and you couldn't believe it when you saw him bitting his face off.

Everyone began screaming but a woman had the strong nerves and common sense to close and lock the door so the murderer couldn't get in. You were frozen in place, horrified, at some point between throwing up and passing out, but you shook yourself into movement and called the police. The man didn't seem interested in trying to get inside,though, he was...was he eating your boss? Oh god, you certainly were going to throw up. Was this what they had been talking about on the tv?

Perks of living in a small town, the police arrived quickly. When one of them tried to pull the man away from the now dead body of your boss, he bit him too, not letting him go no matter how much the policeman hit him. It took several shots to stop him.

Ambulances came too and some people who seemed quite in shock were taken to the hospital, while others just decided to go home, a couple volunteering to go to the police station to testify what had happened.

A police officer who already knew you offered to walk you home and you were about to decline, he didn't get along with your husband and you knew there'd be trouble if your husband saw him walking you home. But you were still shaken and scared, so finally you accepted.

You did well. When you reached your street you saw one of your neighbors roaming the streets and she looked beyond sick, more dead than alive you'd dare to say. She began growling and stumbling towards you, ignoring the policeman's warnings. He shot her but she didn't stop, seeming to not even feel the bullets, only dropping dead when one hit her on his head.

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