Episode 2:Beginings P2

Start bij het begin

Varian snapped out of his trance.  Cassandra's desk was in front of her bedroom window, which faced the backyard.  He could see her perfectly from where he stood.  "Huh?  Oh, I was just lost in thought."

"Probably working on some new formula to blow the science room up with," Burt snarked.

Varian's face went red.  He looked down.  "Those were not on purpose."

Dennis looked from Burt to Varian.  He realized that he group of 'friends' was not thrilled with Varian.  Dennis was jeopardizing his reputation with the 'cool kids' by being friends with him.  He really liked Varian though.  He wanted to be friends.  They could be nerds together, but it was so hard for nerds to fit in.  Especially when he was the only nerd in his class.  He purposely got average grades so he wouldn't get picked on.

Jill smirked.  "Of course, but you sure are doing us a favor.  No science class means no science."

Burt looked at Dennis.  This was a test.  If he didn't join, Dennis would lose his place among them.  He would be an outcast again after all his hard work to get there.  If he did join, he'd hurt Varian, and he didn't want that either.

Dennis looked around.  All the other teens were on the other side of the pool, by the house.  None of them were paying attention.  They were all facing away from them, chatting and laughing, unaware of the situation.  Burt and the other two knew that.

Lewis suddenly pulled Varian's phone out of his pocket.

"Hey!  Give that back!"  Varian reached his hand out, trying to retrieve his phone.

Lewis laughed cruelly and held it away.  "Why?"  he taunted.  "You got secrets?  A girlfriend?"

Jill rolled her eyes.  "Oh, get real, Lewis!  He hasn't got any friends.  No girl in her right mind would ever like him."

"Harsh, Jill," Lewis snorted.

"Just give it back!"  Varian launched for his device.

Burt gave him a shove.  It sent the teen backwards and he landed in the pool.  Dennis just stared and gave a laugh.  He guessed he made his choice then.  His reputation

Varian gasped for air when he got to the surface.  It was cold outside.  The water was like ice and it hurt.  He climbed out.  He looked at Dennis.  His eyes showed hurt and the sense that he had been betrayed.  Dennis looked away.  He had been betrayed, and by him.  It was too late now.

"Whoops," Burt said.  "Watch your step."

Lewis tossed Varian his phone.  "Good thing I had that.  Welcome."

"Hey, Dennis!"

Dennis turned to his house.  His sister was at the back door.  "Mom has the food ready!"

"Alright!"  he called back.

Cassandra notices the soaked teen sitting in the grass.  She held the door open for the other teens to go in.  Burt, Lewis, Jill and Dennis made their way in.  She closed the door behind them.

"You know, it's a little cold for swimming."

Varian turned around.  Cassandra was right behind him.  "Oh, I just slipped."

"Do you need anything?"

He shook his head.  "Naw, my house is just down the road.  I'll go home and change."

"Want me to tell Dennis for ya?"

"Uh, yeah.  Thanks."  Varian gave a weak grin.  Man, he liked this girl.  She acted rough and her tone was rough, but boy, she did have a heart underneath it all.

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