But as I got closer I realized a similarity. It was the girl from the store! I stopped and processed something… And my eyes widened. She had a boyfriend! Wow now I feel like a trouble maker. But then I grinned… even when I grabbed her hand and had her inches from my lips back at the store, she didn’t back out until she knew who I really was. Which made me think if this relationship of theirs would actually last long. And when it crashed, I would be there to take her… if she let me. Ha, I was going to get her one way or another.  

But seeing her just reminded me more of her rejection. How easy it was to kiss that random girl back at the pub and how frustrating it was for me to just flirt with this girl. I wanted to talk to her again and even more importantly, know her name. It looked like they weren’t going anywhere for a while… so I decided to wait. I got inside my car and… well I waited.


So I spent about 3 hours talking to Lucy about the Harry experience. She was starstruck.

“How could you NOT like Harry Styles?” She argued. “He’s gorgeous! And even worse he was into you and you rejected him, Tiff? Really?”

I shrugged. It didn’t really matter to me too much. The One Direction group in general looked boring. Plus, I already had a boyfriend that I was going to go meet up with any minute.

“I just don’t see why anyone would want to date him.” I said while Lucy made the biggest gasp in history then sat down dramatically on to the sofa. “He’s a trouble maker.” I continued. “A Holly Wood Bad boy for crying out loud! He’s a player!”

She just ignored me. Which really bothered me because I wanted her to argue back. I didn’t know what I wanted her to say though… she just started walking away.

“Do what you want, Tiff.” She said. “I’m just saying, I know Harry isn’t the most ‘reliable’ man out there but he IS sweet. Trust me I’ve read all the magazines.”

I sighed. My best friend was crazy over this guy. Why doesn’t she take him instead? I heard Lucy walk back into the living room.

“If you don’t like him.” She said.

“I DON’T like him.” I reinforced. But she just ignored me.

“How were his eyes? What was he wearing, hmm?” She asked me.

“Oh, he had the most gorgeous eyes.” I said without thinking. “They were ocean green and sparked whenever he laughed. He was wearing jeans, a white top and a blue beanie. And he had the cutest dimples-“ I stopped myself and looked at Lucy who was smiling as if saying “that’s what I thought.”

I quickly countered what I just said. “But like… everyone knows that off the back of their head, right? I’m sure you knew his eyes were gorgeous and he had dimples and stuff! It’s not like I actually cared though…” I was speaking too fast.

Lucy just smiled and walked away. “Have fun on your date, Tiff.” She said from her room.

Wow. Lucy really did know how to make a girl question herself. Sure I thought Harry was cute but that doesn’t erase the fact that I have a current boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriends… I saw Mason walking right towards me. He started running and once he got to me he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me into the air. He let me down and I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him.

“So what do you have planned tonight?” I asked curiously.

He looked at me confused. “Planned? Oh, well you know I was thinking we could just go grab a bite to eat and then just you know…” He leaned over and kissed. His lips were soft and moved from my mouth to my jaw. I pulled away remembering we were in a public place. As we went to go grab a bite to eat, I lost my appetite as the music down the street started playing “What makes you beautiful.” Which only reminded me of Harry. Ugh! Stop it! I pinched my arm to stop thinking about him. It’s all Lucy’s fault. She made me think of him again.

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now