chapter 9

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reggie's pov

once alex has poofed us away from y/n and we met willie! he seems so cool. his hair looks so fluffy. i wonder what conditioner he uses? never mind. we went to this club thing. cool. i've never been to a club before. oh! is that food.
"hey reggie! snap out of your food daze" luke says while he snaps his finger infront of my face. "sorry it's just we haven't eaten since we died..." i replied. "AH" alex screamed. "hello boys! glad you could make it" a man said. "oh hey! it's cool to meet you. love your face structure" i said to this man. "hehehe okay. this is caleb. caleb this is alex reggie and luke, these are the ones who are visible to humans when they sing with a girl...y/messes up your name/n (lol)." willie says to caleb. "it's y/n" luke said.

~i am lazy so i'm skipping the hollywood thing
-the boys did get the stamp tho

omg omg omg omg omg julie's going to be so angry at us. i can't believe we forgot. jeez. what's y/n going to think! 

we rushed into the hall

"who's ready to partyyyyy?!!!" luke screams as we run into a well decorated empty hall. "where's everyone" i ask knowing it was too late. "it's 1 in the morning. where do you think they are" y/n replies while comforting an impart julie sitting on the floor. "where were you?" julie asks luke

y/ns pov

"ummm we were getting ready and then we went back into the room!" luke said. "stop lying"i say fed up of this. "we went to a club for ghosts and we are so so so sorry that we missed this but luke over here was to busy dancing with a lady wayyy to old for him and reggie was in a food coma for like twelve hours and no one listened to me when i said i think it's getting late!" alex ranted quickly before he was out of breath. "i just. not now guys" julie said as she pulled me along with her. "wait!" reggie screams from the middle of the hall to the exit. "what did you do julie?". "more like what did y/n do" julie replied

~flashback ooooo(spooky ghost noise)

"how am i supposed to know?!" i say to julie. these idiotic cute boys are going to make us insane. "umm okay i guess i'll preform then with no guitar?" she says. i'm confused. "what! i thought you were singing alone!" i say. julie replies with "i was and then luke offered and i couldn't say no so that song we all wrote together one night was the one we where going to use as our new song but now he's not here and i can't do this anymore!" "julie molina?!" we hear the teacher say
"coming!!" she screams back. "i'll play for luke" i say eyeing the 6 string in the corner. "omg thank you so much!" she says as she runs up on the stage. 

"special surprise guest...y/n!"
the crowd cheered except claire

i started to riff my guitar to the song we wrote one night. julie plays the piano not singing yet so i take this as my cue to start signing first.

and then it was all just memories...
dun dun duuuuuuun

thanks so much for 6k read like tf
i started this book for no reason and wow to think so many would read it :)

ily all so much

remember to request 👀

tell your friends ;)
605 words

ghost next door {discontinued}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ