chapter 1

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A few things you need to know
-Julie got into the music program because she was in it from last year and did not audition again
-y/n never wanted to be told what to play and didn't have the confidence so she never joined but continued to pay music by herself in secret No one else new except Julie
-Flynn is still there
-this does not fully follow the story line
-Y/n does know how to play bass, 6-string, piano and can sing
- I take requests and incorporate it into the story!


It was a Saturday morning, 8am. I had just taken a shower and gotten dressed into light black (idk if that made sense) mom jeans, tied it with a shoe lace, and a baby blue cropped tank top with white converse. (note: you can change it if you don't like it)
And walked to my friend Julie's house. She was my neighbor so it was quite easy to spend the weekend there if I was bored

5 mins later

I arrive at Julie's house and ask her dad where she is. Ray responds with "oh Julie's in the garage if you need her" so I walk over to the garage to hear soft rock music playing and I step into the garage to see 3 boys on their backs, groaning as if they fell
"Julie...what..I- you know what never mind" i decide to not question the awkward situation happening infront of me. Julie starts screaming my ears out and runs out the garage,I hesitantly follow with my bag on my shoulder and accidentally bump into the tall guy with blond hair. "Sorry" i said quickly as I realize me shoulder went through him. "What?" I asked "wait wait it again" said the boy with the tank top. I scan my arm through the boys torso and am amazed.

Julie comes in seconds later with a cross and the boys disappear. "Y/n you saw that didn't you." "Yeah I did, care to explain" I said. She goes on to explain how she was waiting for me and played a cd and then that happened and then they died 25 years ago and now they are spirits. I was a big believer in ghosts and so to me, this was normal-ish or atleast I'm not freaking out.
"Listen Julie I- wait, is that my 6-string. Bro I've been looking for that everywhere" "y/n back to my problem here, there are ghosts living in my garage...I AM GOING CRAZY" "we're all a little crazy" the tank top boy said after he literally appeared out of no where. We both jump a bit. Julie and these boys talk, them trying to explain to Julie what's going on. I scan the room and look at the boys

1) his name is Luke
Gives Ross linch vibes
Deff rock surfer dude
And so far we get along pretty well from the word to word conversations

2) his name is reggie
Very cute
A bit taller than me
We haven't spoken yet
Beautiful smile

3) Alex
Gay but we support
Talked the most
Gives of main character vibes in his own story
Also softie
Can tell we are going to get along

Luke and Julie disappear for a second and it's me reggie and Alex, we are having a conversation about their past life and everything and everyone. We went outside to Julie and Luke to see Julie is letting them stay. "There's a bathroom in the back and the couch turns into a bed if you wanna use that" Julie said. "I call dibs on the shower" I heard reggie say. I scoff but you know that laughing scoff yeah that one. "I just really like showers, and sometimes an occasional bath" he says once more without missing a weird look from Alex. "This is just...too weird" Julie said. "Bye guys, see you later" I say. "Byeeeee" all the boys said
As I was about to pass Julie's little arch flower thing ( you know what I'm talking about?) reggie asks "wait! I didn't get your name??!" "My names y/n, Reggie" I said trying to smile "oh I'm reggie, oh cool, never mind you knew that" he said shyly. Cute, I thought. I smile. Oh what an adventure I'd started

This is my first story woo
If you want to request anything to put in leave a comment here!
752 words

ghost next door {discontinued}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant