The plane crash

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It was a late evening, Blake sat at his desk finishing his paperwork. Blake looked up and saw an empty room. God, I hope she gets back soon. Blake watched his computer screen hoping a message would come up from Lynn. A message appeared at the top right of the screen. He tapped on it twice with his mouse and the message revealed.
Hi Blake
Blake stared at it trying to figure out what it ment.
Who is this? Blake replied.
Blake did the first thing that popped into his head. He slowly looked behind him.
It was Jessica, an old friend of his, but she was hung up to the ceiling. Blake screamed and ran out of the room. He started to hyperventilate, who did that? How did they get in? All sorts of questions clouded his mind. He ran to the front door, opened it and saw Lynn at the door. What happened? She asked seeing the expression on his face. Blake showed Lynn the room and there was nothing there. Lynn thought that Blake was messing with her. That changed once she realised how serious he was.
They both sat down and Blake told her what happened. She said that he was probably hallucinating, but Blake was convinced that it was there and not a hallucination.
About an hour later, Blake and Lynn went to bed. He tried to sleep, but couldn't even close his eyes. He was too scared.
Blake had the same dream again at night. Waking up, screaming. Lynn tried to calm him but Blake was too convinced it was real.
The next day, Lynn decided to go on a journey to India in central Arizona. Blake needed a bit of persuading but then decided to go. Blake and Lynn packed there bags, including Blake's Camera (he loved his camera). They left the room and called a plane to take them.
Whilst they were on the plane Blake got his camera out and started to film the background. Are you going to film everything? Blake didn't respond, he was too busy filming the background. Lynn shook her head. BLAKE! He turned around. What? What did you want.
I just wanted your attention. The plane hit a lump of rocks on the side of a mountain. Blake's glasses fell off and hit the floor. He grunted, struggling to reach them. Finally, he picked them up. What happened? He asked the plane driver who seemed to not be moving. Hello? Blake leaned forward and moved the plane drivers shoulders around. Oh shit, he's dead. Lynn immediately unstrapped her seatbelt and tried to steer the plane in the right direction.
It steered in the wrong direction and hit a rock.
Blake blacked out. He woke up. Where am I? He started to walk towards the Jesus that was too blurred to make out. He soon realised that he was in his school from when he was 12. He walked to the bright light that he saw in the distance. He finally reached the light and then there was a bang. The doors slammed shut. Blake looked behind him and saw a girl hanging on the roof. Suddenly, a gallon of blood flowed towards him.
He woke up in pain, there was a plane door pushing down on his lower body. Pushing the door up, he stood up and made his way down to the plane that had crashed on the giant rocks below him. It was almost like parkour, he jumped down one rock climbed down the other one. He finally reached the broken plane. He studied the plane looking for any dead bodies. Okay, there's no bodies. He let out a sigh of relief and carried on walking over rocks. Lynn! Lynn!
Whilst walking forward, he saw a naked man who had been skimmed. Where the hell am I?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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