Chapter 6

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Daphne sat on her bed, staring out the window. It was the morning after her disastrous dinner with Potter, and she felt completely lost. For the first time in her life, she didn't know what she was going to do next.

Her entire life, she had always had a plan. She knew who she wanted to become and what she wanted to accomplish, and she was confident that she would succeed. Even when she had found out about the marriage contract with Potter, she was confident that she would be able to use it to her benefit. Now, however, she didn't know.

She bit her lip as she thought back to the previous night. Potter had thrown her for a complete loop. Not only did he look completely different physically, but even his personality seemed different. He was much more confident and cunning than he had ever been at Hogwarts – she suspected he had even used Legilimency on her the entire night. Even more, it appeared that he was the lord of four major houses! She feared that no matter what she did now, she would always be stuck in Potter's shadow.

She was torn from her thoughts by a knock at her bedroom door. Before she could tell whoever was at the door to come it, the door opened to reveal her best friend, Tracey Davis.

"Hey Daph! I'm back!" Tracey said cheerfully as she barged her way into the room. She stopped suddenly when she saw the look on Daphne's face. "What is wrong with you?" she asked.

Tracey had been on vacation with her family in France for the last two weeks. She had left immediately after getting home from Hogwarts and had only returned the previous night. Daphne had not yet informed her best friend of the marriage contract.

Daphne sighed and bit her lip nervously, not wanting to respond.

"Okay, you are seriously scaring me now," said Tracey as she took a seat next to Daphne on the bed. "What happened?"

Daphne took a deep breath before replying. "I'm betrothed due to an old marriage contract," she confessed.

"What?" exclaimed Tracey. It was obvious from Daphne's mood that this was no joke. "To whom? How long have you known?" she demanded.

"I found out two weeks ago," said Daphne.

Tracey nodded. "Who is it?" she repeated.

"Harry Potter Black," Daphne murmured so softly, it was almost a whisper.

"What!" Tracey exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. "You're engaged to Harry bloody Potter?"

Daphne nodded, avoiding Tracey's eyes.

"Wait, since when is his name Potter Black?" asked Tracey suspiciously.

"Since he became Lord Black two weeks ago," Daphne replied.

Tracey's eyes widened in shock. "No way. He is the lord of two houses now?" she asked.

Daphne shook her head. "Not two. Four."

"Stop it!" exclaimed Tracey. "You're just messing with me now."

"His mother wasn't a Muggleborn," said Daphne. "She was the daughter of Alphard Black and Violetta Rosier. That is how he became Lord Black and Lord Rosier."

"Wow," was all Tracey could say. "I heard he is Dumbledore's apprentice too. What is the fourth house he is lord of?" she asked.

Daphne shrugged. "I don't know."

Tracey gave her a hug and smiled. "Well, look on the bright side. Your future husband is already incredibly powerful and filthy rich to boot. With him supporting you, you'll be the most powerful and beautiful witch in Britain. He'll fall in love with you so fast," she said assuredly.

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