Chapter 2

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Hey it's me I know that chapter 1 was a bit boring but I think this one it a little bit more interesting and I wanna know your opinion on the story so far so let me know what you think about it and I'll try my best to spell right it just that I have dyslexia and it hard for me to spell right sorry 😢😂😁😊
As my best friend left the office I got ready for my interview and packed my stuff that I thought was important to take home as I walked out of my office my assistant noticed I was walking out towards the elevator she speed walked over to me and towards the elevator as I got in the elevator I turned around to face the office but I got startled by my assistant smiling at me stepping forward and joining me in the elevator as the doors slide slowly closing as she turned her head towards me and asked if I was okay

I looked at her and said "ya I'm fine... how are you, are you okay?" She looked at me and smiled and said "yes I'm amazing" with a cheerful smile I looked at her and said "you are very happy are you going on a date or something" she turned away as I noticed she was blushing and she nodded slightly with excitement she said "how about you, you got anyone your interested with" I shook my head and said "no I'm to busy for that" she looked at me with sad eyes but still smiling and said "oh come on y/n there must be some one you fancy" as she said that the doors opened up as we both got out I said "no there's no time for me to get a guy and I mean it's kinda hard to get one too with all the time I have as work and coming back home and making myself dinner then waking up and doing this all over agin" she smiled and said "we'll have a lovely night out with the girls and I hope you have a great interview" as we both got out of the building and going are separate ways as I smiled and said "bye"

As I got a taxi to get a ride to the interview I have today looking at my phone checking the time it was 3:40pm I had enough time to get there on time, when I got out the car I told the driver "thanks" and walked up the long flight of stairs walking in the reception room signing my name on a peace of paper walking out of the reception room and into a hallway seeing some work friends of my following them to the interview room where everyone got ready to sit down and have the pen and paper out talking about what we should do for the the magazine what the idea of the cover it should be until all of a sudden my phone interrupted the meeting I said to "give me one moment" and walked to the door as I left the room I answered the phone it was my boss Emma form New York she told me she wanted to give me a premonition I was so excited with a smile on my face I wanted to scream excitement but I covered my mouth with my hand trying to keep a poker face until she said "that you'll be moving to Los Angeles and be working for only celebrity's now for the red carpet it will be amazing since I've seen all your hard work and they look amazing by the way

And you know what you have three people booked in to see you once you move to LA on Wednesday" as she said that I looked at around to see what day it was today to notice someone's phone was out I took a quick glimpse and saw it was Monday I only had today and tomorrow to pack my things to go to Los Angeles coming back to reality to hear my boss if I was here I stuttered " I'm here I'll be there on Wednesday" she said "okay good see you on Wednesday"

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