"Damn Tsukishima, she told you." Tanaka is doubled over grabbing his stomach from laughing so hard.

Laughing, you notice his slight blush and feel slightly remorseful for calling him out so badly when this is the first time you met.

"Relax, Tsukki is it? I'm just messing with you. Although, you really shouldn't dish it out if you can't take it." You wink at him as you finish, finding that you kinda enjoy seeing that flustered look on his face. It's kinda cute.

"Tch, the name's Tsukishima" He rolls his eyes. "And don't you worry your pretty little head about me, Pipsqueak. I can handle myself just fine." As he says this, the look in his eyes says he just found fresh prey with you. Curiosity about this tall megane bubbles up inside of you, but you push it down for now. He wasn't the reason for your visit to their volleyball practice today.

You turn back to Ennoshita. "Well that was fun" you say with a small laugh "but back to what Hinata was explaining. He said it would be okay to pop into the team's practices and practice some of stuff I'm learning in my PT classes. Nothing crazy of course, just advice on minor strains and maybe some KT taping if anyone needs it. There are so many ways of taping, it's good practice to use different methods on actual injuries cause then I can see what works best first hand... Sorry I'm rambling..."

"Oh not at all, no need to apologize." Ennoshita raises his hands a little waving them back and forth. "Honestly, it sounds like a win win for both of us. You get some practice and we get help with injuries healing faster with any luck. Could you try to get some of our resident knuckleheads to listen when I tell them to stop over doing it too. Maybe they will actually listen to you."

Ennoshita stares down Tanaka, Noya and Hinata.
You laugh because the three actually have the guts to look offended. "Great! This is awesome thank you so much for this."

With a smile you head over to the bleachers to observe their practice.

"I'm just going to go sit over here, holler if ya need anything."

You have a seat and pull out some of your books to study while things get under way.


The rest of practice Tsukishima finds himself glancing at you periodically, wondering what you are doing. Tearing his eyes away from you once again he notices his best friend and teammate was speaking to him. "Huh, what did you say Tadashi?"

"Geez Tsukki, where's your head been today, you feelin' alright? What I was asking was if you wanted to get together and study for the upcoming test."

"Oh uh, yeah I'm free." Tsukki responds.

"Okay cool, I gotta swing by Hitoka's apartment and grab my laptop then I'll head over."

"You left it over there again? When are you guys just going to move in together already. Wouldn't it be easier than having to keep track of everything? You guys have been together for, what, 3 years now."

"My lease is up in a couple months and we are moving in together then, for your information." Yamaguchi's voice is annoyed. "Like you have any room to give relationship advice Tsukki." 

Tsukishima packs up his bag in silence, thinking to himself

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Tsukishima packs up his bag in silence, thinking to himself. " Sooo... uh Tadashi... what do you think of that girl visiting our practices?"

"What do you mean? She seems nice I suppose. I think it's going to be nice having someone around that knows about sports strains and injuries. I agree with Ennoshita, it's pretty win win for us, Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, just curious I suppose." Tsukki resumes packing his stuff up heading towards to the door to leave "Later Tadashi, I'll be at my place.


Arriving home, Tsukki is thankful his roommates aren't home yet. Bokuto and Kuroo both have this weird sixth sense of knowing when something is on his mind and they never take no for an answer.

You had peaked his interest today. Not just in looks either. He couldn't deny his body's reaction to you. He found that your personality intrigued him as well. Thankful for some time to himself to process and relax before getting back into study mode.


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