5 ° Big Brothers

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"Y/N, you should stop being so kind to everyone," Kato tells me.  I choke on my orange juice, proceeding to cough.  "Wh-what do you mean," I wipe my mouth and wince at the stinging pain in my throat.  "Semi and Tendou already have a crush on you.  I don't need my teammates going after my younger cousin," Kato explains.  I look at him dumbfoundedly before cackling like a witch.

"Don't you remember Kato?  I threatened to cut off Tendou-kun's cock because he gave everybody the wrong impression," I point out.  "But you didn't do that with Semi," he counters.  I sigh, cursing Wakatoshi for being so understanding yet oblivious.  "I like getting a reaction out of him.  He's too timid to actually make a move," I wave my hand back and forth unbothered.

It goes against my better nature to be a tease but reactions are just so much more worth it.  Plus, I know when to say no and draw a line with a guy's feelings.  "Hypocrite," Kato grumbles.  I give him a wink, peace sign, and stick my tongue out.  He just rolls his eyes.  There's a wavy sort of silence that hangs between us.  With my annoyingly happy emotion and his seriously concerned emotion, the air is an odd mix of feelings.

I decide to drop my cocky demeanor and think of other things.  "I've got a dorm room to myself," I inform my cousin.  "How did that happen?" Kato questions, looking at me from the corner of his eye.  "The girl who was supposed to be my roommate got caught with drugs on her first day of school.  She got expelled so I've got the room to myself," I smirk, holding my hands behind my head with my fingers laced together.

"That's unfortunate," he says.  "Yeah, for her, not for me," I say in a reminding tone.  He grunts in acknowledgement.  It was currently lunch time when the bell rang signalling that we had five minutes to get to class.  "Guess I better go, see ya at practice," I wave once and start walking to my next class.  "See ya," he replies and walks towards his own building.

After practice~

"Hey L/N-chan, are you doing anything tomorrow?" Ohira asks me.  I look away from the cart of volleyballs to look at Ohira and Yamagata who stands beside him.  "Not really, why?" I ask.  "If you aren't doing anything we were hoping you would like to hang out with us," Yamagata says hopefully.  I blink a few times, thinking it over.  "You aren't asking me out on a date right?" I ask to make sure.  "Just as friends," Yamagata shrugs his shoulders and Ohira nods.

This sudden invitation strikes me as being interested in a romantic sense.  I furrow my brows, trying to think whether the pros or cons are heavier.  "What are you guys doing?" Tendou approaches us curiously.  Yamagata gives him an annoying look while Ohira raises his brows.  My expression remains unchanged as I try to ignore Tendou and think about the weights of hanging out with Ohira and Yamagata.

"Nothing that you need to worry about," Yamagata says blandly.  Tendou looks at us suspiciously, about to ask another question as he opens his mouth.  At that moment Wakatoshi walks up to us.  "What are you all doing?" Kato reiterates the question in slightly different wording.  "Oh hey Ushijima," Yamagata says nervously.  Kato's scowl doesn't go away as I shake my head, also waiting for the two third year's responses.

"We were just asking L/N-chan if she wanted to hang out with us tomorrow," Ohira tells him without an ounce of fear.  Ohira's intentions don't seem to be anything other than friendly.  On the other hand Yamagata is moving his eyes around awkwardly, like he's been caught doing something bad.

"It's not a date right?" Kato asks further.  "Like I said, I asked if she wanted to hang out.  It's not a date," Ohira reassures Kato.  "You scared the hell out of me for a second there," Tendou places his hand over his heart.  "What do you care?" I ask with a frown and a questioning expression.  "You're like my little cousin now too," he hugs himself and smiles giddily.

"Actually, you're like a younger cousin-or sister-to all of us L/N-chan," Ohira admits sheepishly.  Yamagata nods, and I look at Wakatoshi.  "Fine, she can go with you," Kato allows.  My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open.  "I don't need your permission Kato!" I exclaim, crossing my arms and huffing.  "Mom told me to look out for you-" he starts but I interrupt.

"I'm sixteen Kato!  I don't need your permission for anything when you're only a year and a half older than me," I shout, slamming the ball cage shut, and storming off.  "Damn, that was harsh," Tendou says quietly.  "You shouldn't hover over her so much Kato.  It'll scare her off," Ohira pats his back before walking to the changing room. 

But what Y/N didn't know was that all Kato has ever wanted was to be her big brother.  To be there for her when she needed him most.  Kato just didn't realize that she was capable of taking care of herself now, and she had others looking out for her too.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑃𝐿𝐴𝑌𝐸𝑅 𝑊𝐼𝑇𝐻𝐼𝑁 ꨄ︎ 𝐆𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐈 𝐓.Where stories live. Discover now