4 ° Semi-pai

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Practice seemed a lot more hectic with all the first years trying to find a rhythm.  And there were undoubtedly more volleyballs flying in the air.  "L/N-chan, will ya help me with my sets?" I suddenly hear Semi's voice call out to me.  "Just a second!" I reply, setting my clipboard down.  I jog over to Semi, giving him a questioning look.  Although I wasn't paying a significant amount of attention to my surroundings, I could tell that all the boy's eyes were on me.

"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of knee injury did you get?" Semi asks me.  "I tore my acl.  Doctors said it'll take months to make a full recovery," I inform him.  "Damn, that's bad.  How did you tear it?" he questions further.  I give him a menacing glance.  "Don't get so upset, we all have injuries at one point or another," Semi says casually.

I sigh, realizing that I acted harshly.  "It was stupid in terms of how I got injured," I admit shyly, grabbing a volleyball in the process.  Semi remains quiet, allowing me to continue.  "On a whim I decided to jump down a staircase at the mall," I whisper barely loud enough for him to hear.  He gives me a look; questioning whether I'm sane or not. 

"It happened last October so I'm still recovering but I do plan on joining the women's volleyball team next year.  I just don't want to be completely useless until then," I smile brightly, hiding my shame.  "You really are an idiot," he chops my head with his hand.  "Semi-senpai, that hurt," I rub my head, looking up at him with a pout.

"That's my punishment for you, show off," he grumbles, walking back to his earlier position.  "Toss it up, we'll set it back and forth," he drops our prior conversation to continue practice.  "Alright.  I'm glad I can work with you, it's good practice for me," I say, dropping our earlier topic as well.  "That's great, what position do you play?" he asks as I toss the ball high in the air.

"Wing spiker.  I've got a pretty good arm," I say, setting the ball back to Semi.  "When you can spike again, I want to set for you," Semi admits, a blush collecting on his face.  I chuckle lightly, keeping my eyes on the ball.  "You like setting that much?" I joke with him.  He doesn't meet my eyes as I return the ball.

"It's not so much setting that I love, as much as I like to show off.  It'd be pretty cool to show off to everybody else that I can set for almost anybody," he says honestly.  "I see," I reply quickly, feeling just the slightest twinge in my heart.  "Well look what we have here," a familiar voice announces.

I wait for the ball to come back to me as I catch it.  Turning around, I'm met with Tendou's crimson eyes.  It seems his curiosity and boredom have got the best of him.  "You're so obvious Semi-Semi," Tendou says, squinting his eyes at his classmate.  Before Semi can answer I say, "Semi-Semi?"

"That's his incredibly stupid nickname for me," Semi tells me with an annoyed tone, but it's aimed for Tendou.  "I think it's pretty cute actually," I say, earning me another blush from the third year with frosted tips.  "Thank you Y/N-chan!" Tendou appreciates with a grin.  I roll my eyes, shaking my head at Satori's assumption.  Then a thought comes to me. 

"Hey, Semi," I start and he lifts his gaze to meet mine.  "Yes L/N-chan?" he responds.  "Can I have a special nickname for you too?" I ask using my puppy dog eyes.  Semi stays quiet, looking at me skeptically.  "I wanna hear it first, then I'll decide if you can keep it," he says while resting his hands on his hips.

"I was thinking about Semi-pai.  It's a play on words," I reveal, hoping that he'll accept it.  Once again a blush appears prominently on his cheeks.  He covers his face with his hand, looking away as if he's overly bothered.  "Yeah that's fine," he mutters.  "Woohoo!" I pump my free fist into the air.  I collect a brief smirk on my face, happy that I could make him react that way.

"What are ya'll doing standing around there for!?" Coach yells, startling the three of us.  "L/N!  I've got a job for you!" Coach calls my name.  I wave a brief goodbye as I toss the ball to Tendou.  "Go help the first years practice," Washijou orders me.  I comply immediately right after I give Tendou and Semi one last glance.

Semi's POV

"So you like her ay?" I hear Tendou speak after L/N-chan gets far away enough.  "What do you care?" I scoff, annoyed that he read me like a book.  "Just wanted to warn ya," he says.  This comment catches my attention.  "What do you mean Tendou?" I ask him quickly.  "She threatened to cut my cock off because I was flirting with her," Tendou reveals.  My eyes widen, a shiver spiraling down my spine.  A girl ain't worth that much pain.

A/N:  The new Mulan movie makes me mad.  It isn't even that bad but the fact that they changed the whole story line makes me mad *cue the Mad at Disney song*.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑃𝐿𝐴𝑌𝐸𝑅 𝑊𝐼𝑇𝐻𝐼𝑁 ꨄ︎ 𝐆𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐈 𝐓.Where stories live. Discover now