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11th chapter. Computer finally fixed. Making the 2nd book is on hold. Also since I owe you guys an apology since I haven't posted anything lately, I am making this chapter a bit longer. Lastly, introducing one of my favorite tiktokers (if that's what you call them) ZENDEE!!!!

Credits to: @jhoanne Calayo     for the vid

Let's get to it!!!

Izuku POV

I woke up to the sun shinning on my face. I got up and took a shower. "Izuku, breakfast's ready!" "Thanks Mom!" I wore more normal clothing since I usually wore baggy stuff (sorry, I don't know what they wear in the mountains) and because our uniforms can't be delivered here so me and Nao-Nao have to get it in Mr. Nezu's office. After I got ready, I went to the kitchen to get my breakfast. Mr. Nezu also said to come early so we can get our uniforms before the bell rings so I have to eat the way there.

Me and Nao-Nao... again went jumping from roof to roof since we wanted to get there faster. Well of course we ate our breakfast while going down the mountain then jumping over the roofs. I know it's bad for you but we didn't care that much.

And here we are, in front of UA. Me and Nao-Nao went inside to find Nezu's office. After getting lost for let's say... 5 times? We finally found it. We knocked on the door 'til we heard a faint 'come in'. "Ah, Welcome to UA" Nezu greeted with a handshake. He then gestured us to sit. "Izuku Midoriya Kocho and Kanao Tsuyuri?" he poited at me then at Nao-Nao. We nodded. "Your uniforms are in that closet. The nearest bathrooms are around the corner from here" we thanked him then took the uniforms and changed in the bathroom.

Also before we left the office, Mr. Nezu gave us our schedules. After changing, Nao-Nao left since her classroom is the on the next floor. While I was looking for my classroom, I saw the girl I helped in the exam. "Hey uh... Ochaco Uraraka right?" She nodded "Nice to meet you... again. Izuku Midoriya Kocho, Izuku is fine though" "Uh sure, what class are you in?" she asked "It says here it's 1-a, how about you?" "We're in the same class" she replied. 

We then finally found our classroom just to be met with the blue haired guy that interrupted me at the exam and a hot-head. I then sensed another person behind me which I think was our homeroom teacher. "It took you 8 seconds to shut up. *mutters* damn problem children. I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom adviser. I know it's a bit too soon but wear this and meet me at the field" he then threw a bunch of what looks like UA's training/P.E. uniform. I quickly grabbed one and changed in the lockers. 

I was done when the other guys came in. When I got to the fields Mr. Aizawa was already there. "Good morning sir. If I may ask, are you that underground hero Eraserhead?" he looked at me and smirked "Who gave you that information?" he asked "Well Mr. Nezu was the one giving my education before I got here and he also slipped in a bit of info on heroes since he wants me to analyze them then send back the info I got to him" he nodded at my answer and we waited for the others.

5 minutes... 5 WHOLE MINUTES! Really? You take 5 minutes to just change. "Today we will do an apprehension test to test out your skills and quirks" I see the others look confused but I guess they think 'why didn't Mr. Aizawa just call it Quirk Apprehension Test?'. I looked at Mr. Aizawa and signaled him to say it later and he just gave me a nod.

"But sir! What about the orientation?" (you already know who that is due to many stories I have read, the person who is saying this is pretty much the same) "This school is different. This school let us teachers teach however we want to so if you want to go to the orientation, join another class" Uraraka just nodded and lowered her head. "Katsuki Bakugou. You have placed first in the exam even if it didn't say in the letter. I don't need your past record so just go to the  circle in the middle and throw this ball as hard as you can with your quirk" the Bakugou kid took the ball and went to the circle. "DIE!" yep, a hot head will always say that when needing adrenaline. "Good job. 705.2m" 

The Slayer Hero: Izuku (Planning to Rewrite)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें